Dishonest people are usually not very imaginative or creative. Their lies are complicated enough they have a hard time remembering them, so they have to stay stodgy and unimaginative. Patty Murray's latest authorized campaign ad recycles the old song, “Dino Rossi Favors Wall Street Instead Of Us.”
Is Dino Rossi the deceiver? Or is Patty Murray telling lies?
Patty Murray voted for the Financial Regulation bill enacted by Congress last term. Then Patty Murray collected $500,000 in campaign contributions from Wall Street bankers. Are we supposed to believe Patty Murray got Wall Street special interests to give her a big half-million payoff for whittling those same Wall Streeters down to size?
Here's the link to the Federal Government's list of Patty Murray's list of PAC contributors. Examine the list for yourself. Its 1219 records long. It takes little while. But follow the money -- Would entrenched Wall Street interests give an enemy $500,000 for hurting them? You find Patty Murray holding the money at the end.
On the other hand, Rossi threatens the entrenched Wall Street interests. He will work to reverse the corrupt Democrat Patty Murray's so-called Financial Regulation bill. The end result will be cleansing competition of the financial interests on Wall Street.
Here's the link to the Federal Government's complete list of all 30 of Dino Rossi's PAC contributors. Click on the "Show All" link. There are no bank PACs at all. Dino Rossi got nothing from Wall Street interests. The list takes only a few seconds to scan.
You see, Financial Regulation is how Patty Murray gave her Wall Street buddies control of our future and piles of our money.
Patty Murray's next example of reused baloney:
Patty Murray says Rossi tried to reduce the minimum wage – This fear mongering fits with the “Democratic” Party's view that we should all be working for minimum wage. Who would really be satisfied working for minimum wage? Would you?
The minimum wage acts as a fence to keep out new and inexperienced (unproven) workers. Thus the minimum wage serves Patty Murray's buddies, the union bosses. Make no bones about this one, Murray favors the Union bosses over the people.
Patty Murray is dishonest. She claims to be on Washington State's side because she would take from other parts of the country and "give" it to us. Isn't that called stealing? And Patty Murray causes more damage to good morality. With her "gift" she also takes away the sense of accomplishment and honor.
Its no surprise Patty Murray and her Special Interest backers will say and spend anything to assure the defeat of government responsible to the People. Patty Murray completely lacks personal integrity.
Well, at least Patty Murray is recycling.
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