Saturday, April 13, 2024

PNW is underpowered in electricity.

The Seattle Times reports a "Surge in electricity demand spells trouble for PNW. &  forecasts show  the challenges facing the Northwest all are exacerbated by the region’s new energy hog: data centers." 

Washington state will follow California and prohibit the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035, Jay Inslee, the state governor, said.

This is not the time to enact the new internal combustion engine ban.  Only those wed to climate control think it is.  Besides, they realize their data is faked.  And they don't care.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

WA initiatives we get to vote on in November

Washington Initiative 2109, Repeal Capital Gains Tax Initiative - click here to download the text in pdf

We need to limit government overreach. Support good tax reform. And give working people a break.
Initiative 2109 repeals the state’s capital gains income tax to help small business owners and entrepreneurs build more and hire more.

Washington Initiative 2117, Repeal Carbon Cap and Invest Program Measure - click here to download the text in pdf

Stop the Hidden Gas Tax - Carbon Tax = Higher Gas Prices
Policies from Olympia have pushed the cost of living up. Groceries. Utilities. Insurance. Gas and diesel. The cost of living in Washington state has become too expensive. You can do something about this. Initiative 21-17 cuts gas and diesel prices by repealing the state’s hidden gas tax that is adding 60 cents to each gallon of gas you buy. Reducing the cost of gas and diesel will help reduce the costs of groceries and home utilities in our state.

Washington Initiative 2124, Opt-Out of Long-Term Services Insurance Program Initiative - click here to download the text in pdf 

This allows workers to opt out of the state’s long-term care insurance program that is currently taking money out of each working person’s paycheck – forcing people to pay for a program with minimal benefits - that they most likely won’t ever use

Then vote to reduce pointless taxes and regularization & the cost of living by voting!

✔ YES to I- 2109
✔ YES on I-2117
✔ YES on I 2124

What other people read on this blog

Effing the ineffable - Washington State elections sometimes have been rigged.

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
-- Joseph Stalin


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