Thursday, January 28, 2010
Add Income Taxation - The Swindle Continues
HB 3070, titled "AN ACT Relating to fiscal reform," has been introduced in the House of Representatives. The Office of Financial Management has identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers or affected feepayers.
The cost of this tax is massive: $69,655,191,008 in income taxes over a ten year period. That's over $1000 more tax per resident! It's over $2000 per taxpayer!
Democrats in control of Olympia tells us we have a $2.6 billion shortfall in the budget. Meanwhile, state workers get $19,500 more per year than comparable private sector employees. Don't you think the shortfall is caused by the Democrats' poor and intrusive planning, not a lack of taxation?
We need open government in Washington State. We got a Democratic Party Machine. Expect Washington State's economic downturn to last until we get the Democratic Party out.
The cost of this tax is massive: $69,655,191,008 in income taxes over a ten year period. That's over $1000 more tax per resident! It's over $2000 per taxpayer!
Democrats in control of Olympia tells us we have a $2.6 billion shortfall in the budget. Meanwhile, state workers get $19,500 more per year than comparable private sector employees. Don't you think the shortfall is caused by the Democrats' poor and intrusive planning, not a lack of taxation?
We need open government in Washington State. We got a Democratic Party Machine. Expect Washington State's economic downturn to last until we get the Democratic Party out.
Olympia boring us with stupidity or arrogance.
This notice was sent out January 28 at 12:01 AM. The notice was for events later that same day. Yep. Plenty of time to drop everything and get over to Olympia and see the Democreep circus. Nice of them to follow I960 requirements in such reluctant fashion.
"HB 2966, titled "AN ACT Relating to establishing a state meat inspection program," has been introduced in the House of Representatives and is scheduled for a public hearing by the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources.
"Date and Time: 01/28/2010 8:00AM (Subject to change by the Legislature.)
Location: John L. O'Brien Building, House Hearing Rm B, Olympia, WA"
The Office of Financial Management projects this bill to increase cost to the taxpayers or affected feepayers by only $3,750 over the next ten years.
But it sets up a whole new agency, Washington State Meat Inspectors. Isn't the United States Department of Agriculture's meat inspection program enough that we have to have another layer of bureaucrats?
In the same I960 notice, they announced SB 6648, titled "AN ACT Relating to protecting and assisting consumers and homeowners from unfair lending practices and during foreclosure proceedings," has been introduced in the Senate and is scheduled for a public hearing by the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection.
Date and Time: 01/28/2010 3:30PM (Subject to change by the Legislature.)
Location: J.A. Cherberg Building, Senate Hearing Rm 4, Olympia, WA
The added cost to house purchasers? A mere $6,370,000 per year.
They're making a making a mess.
Legislative Bill Information Website:
Initiative 960 Website:
"HB 2966, titled "AN ACT Relating to establishing a state meat inspection program," has been introduced in the House of Representatives and is scheduled for a public hearing by the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources.
"Date and Time: 01/28/2010 8:00AM (Subject to change by the Legislature.)
Location: John L. O'Brien Building, House Hearing Rm B, Olympia, WA"
The Office of Financial Management projects this bill to increase cost to the taxpayers or affected feepayers by only $3,750 over the next ten years.
But it sets up a whole new agency, Washington State Meat Inspectors. Isn't the United States Department of Agriculture's meat inspection program enough that we have to have another layer of bureaucrats?
In the same I960 notice, they announced SB 6648, titled "AN ACT Relating to protecting and assisting consumers and homeowners from unfair lending practices and during foreclosure proceedings," has been introduced in the Senate and is scheduled for a public hearing by the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection.
Date and Time: 01/28/2010 3:30PM (Subject to change by the Legislature.)
Location: J.A. Cherberg Building, Senate Hearing Rm 4, Olympia, WA
The added cost to house purchasers? A mere $6,370,000 per year.
They're making a making a mess.
Legislative Bill Information Website:
Initiative 960 Website:
Monday, January 25, 2010
The One What Brung Her
There was an old expression I used to hear at square dances, "Remember the one what brung ya." Only 15 months ago, Governor Gregoire got labor union political contributions while negotiating labor contracts. But Gregoire owes her genuine allegiance to the ordinary citizens who voted for her, not the union bosses.
Governor Gregoire and the Democrazy slice of the legislature have forgotten to be faithful to the people of the state. They plan a merciless campaign of tax increases which could be more than 25%, plus a severe infringement of firearms ownership, and a demolishing of right of the people to petition the government. Sounds just like tyranny.
If this state government actually implements any of this arrogant stupidity, political blood will be shed. The Leftists stupidly plan this mayhem at a time when working class taxpayers have to tighten our belts to make ends meet; cutting back, working more, eating out less, spending savings, making do, and trying to cover the basics of life. Meanwhile, Gregoire and the Democrats go on a spending binge.
To hand is the deal Gregoire negotiated in November 2008 with the state's workers' union. She promised them the moon and they took it. Now she says she has to make good on her extravagance or she "could be sued." "Extravagance" like the fact that state employees already make $19,500 more per year than comparable private sector employees.
So Gregoire announced she will screw over the people in order to stay in good stead with her union dancing masters.
We must resist. Here is sample text of the petition to the state government to straighten up and fly right.
Resolution for the Washington State Legislature
WHEREAS, the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council has projected a $1.68 billion revenue decrease for the 2009-11 biennium; a decrease that can be defined as a significant revenue shortfall; and
WHEREAS, the state’s Office of Financial Management has projected a $2.6 billion general fund budget deficit for the current biennium; and
WHEREAS, the existing measures Governor Gregoire has taken to curb this deficit, such as hiring freezes, travel restrictions, and personal service contract restrictions, have been insufficient to close the general fund budget deficit; and
WHEREAS, our state’s economy cannot sustain tax increases without harming economic recovery; and
WHEREAS, the significant general fund revenue shortfall necessitates a modification of the collective bargaining agreements in accordance with RCW 41.80.010(6);
NOW, THEREFORE, the duly elected legislators of the State of Washington do hereby declare that a financial emergency in the state General Fund exists because anticipated revenues are insufficient to meet anticipated expenditures for the remainder of the biennium.
Pursuant to RCW 41.80.010(6) and effective immediately, we hereby direct both parties to all state collective bargaining agreements to immediately enter into collective bargaining for a mutually agreed upon modification of the agreements that results in a significant reduction of state spending.
Moreover, we hereby direct a revision of allotments of appropriations from the state General Fund to all state agencies including those agencies headed by elected officials and to the budgets of the Legislature and Courts. Each affected agency shall reduce its expenditures from the state General Fund by 8.4 percent of the agency's total biennial state General Fund appropriations to be effective January 31, 2010, unless the legislature takes action prior to that date to save a corresponding amount.
The Director of the Office of Financial Management will issue detailed instructions necessary to implement this resolution.
If you live in Washington State, sign the petition.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Democrats to Overthrow Democracy
Democrats are working to overthrow Democracy (with a few neutered Republicans thrown in for good measure). This is list of Olympia politicians, led by Governor Gregoire, who are sponsoring and pushing anti-initiative bills. Tell them “Hands off the people’s initiative”
House of Representatives
Rep. Sherry Appleton (D-Poulsbo), 360-786-7934,
Rep. Mike Armstrong (R-Wenatchee), 360-786-7832,
Rep. Don Barlow (D-Spokane), 360-786-7922,
Rep. Brian Blake (D-Aberdeen), 360-786-7870,
Rep. Reuven Carlyle (D-Seattle), 360-786-7814,
Rep. Maralyn Chase (D-Shoreline), 360-786-7880,
Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle), 360-786-7860,
Rep. John Driscoll (D-Spokane), 360-786-7962,
Rep. Hans Dunshee (D-Snohomish), 360-786-7804,
Rep. Deborah Eddy (D-Kirkland), 360-786-7848,
Rep. Dennis Flannigan (D-Tacoma), 360-786-7930,
Rep. Mike Hope (R-Lake Stevens), 360-786-7892,
Rep. Zach Hudgins (D-Tukwila), 360-786-7956,
Rep. Sam Hunt (D-Olympia), 360-786-7992,
Rep. Phyllis Kenney (D-Seattle), 360-786-7818,
Rep. Joel Kretz (R-Wauconda), 360-786-7988,
Rep. Dan Kristiansen (R-Snohomish), 360-786-7967,
Rep. Marko Liias (D-Mukilteo), 360-786-7972,
Rep. Jim Moeller (D-Vancouver), 360-786-7872,
Rep. Jeff Morris (D-Anacortes), 360-786-7970,
Rep. Timm Ormsby (D-Spokane), 360-786-7946,
Rep. Joe Schmick (R-Colfax), 360-786-7844,
Rep. Geoff Simpson (D-Covington), 360-786-7918,
Rep. Judy Warnick (R-Moses Lake), 360-786-7932,
Rep. Scott White (D-Seattle), 360-786-7886,
Rep. Brendan Williams (D-Olympia), 360-786-7940,
Sen. Darlene Fairley (D-Lake Forest Park), 360-786-7662,
Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Kent) 360-786-7664,
Sen. Adam Kline (D-Seattle), 360-786-7688,
Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-Seattle), 360-786-7670,
Sen. Joe McDermott (D-Seattle), 360-786-7667,
Sen. Ed Murray (D-Seattle), 360-786-7628,
Governor Christine Gregoire (D) Click to contact
Tell Speaker Frank Chopp to kill all these anti-initiative bills: 360-786-7920,
House of Representatives
Rep. Sherry Appleton (D-Poulsbo), 360-786-7934,
Rep. Mike Armstrong (R-Wenatchee), 360-786-7832,
Rep. Don Barlow (D-Spokane), 360-786-7922,
Rep. Brian Blake (D-Aberdeen), 360-786-7870,
Rep. Reuven Carlyle (D-Seattle), 360-786-7814,
Rep. Maralyn Chase (D-Shoreline), 360-786-7880,
Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D-Seattle), 360-786-7860,
Rep. John Driscoll (D-Spokane), 360-786-7962,
Rep. Hans Dunshee (D-Snohomish), 360-786-7804,
Rep. Deborah Eddy (D-Kirkland), 360-786-7848,
Rep. Dennis Flannigan (D-Tacoma), 360-786-7930,
Rep. Mike Hope (R-Lake Stevens), 360-786-7892,
Rep. Zach Hudgins (D-Tukwila), 360-786-7956,
Rep. Sam Hunt (D-Olympia), 360-786-7992,
Rep. Phyllis Kenney (D-Seattle), 360-786-7818,
Rep. Joel Kretz (R-Wauconda), 360-786-7988,
Rep. Dan Kristiansen (R-Snohomish), 360-786-7967,
Rep. Marko Liias (D-Mukilteo), 360-786-7972,
Rep. Jim Moeller (D-Vancouver), 360-786-7872,
Rep. Jeff Morris (D-Anacortes), 360-786-7970,
Rep. Timm Ormsby (D-Spokane), 360-786-7946,
Rep. Joe Schmick (R-Colfax), 360-786-7844,
Rep. Geoff Simpson (D-Covington), 360-786-7918,
Rep. Judy Warnick (R-Moses Lake), 360-786-7932,
Rep. Scott White (D-Seattle), 360-786-7886,
Rep. Brendan Williams (D-Olympia), 360-786-7940,
Sen. Darlene Fairley (D-Lake Forest Park), 360-786-7662,
Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Kent) 360-786-7664,
Sen. Adam Kline (D-Seattle), 360-786-7688,
Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-Seattle), 360-786-7670,
Sen. Joe McDermott (D-Seattle), 360-786-7667,
Sen. Ed Murray (D-Seattle), 360-786-7628,
Governor Christine Gregoire (D) Click to contact
Tell Speaker Frank Chopp to kill all these anti-initiative bills: 360-786-7920,
State Republicans Provides Early Endorsement
At its quarterly state committee meeting in Tukwila yesterday (all 39 counties were represented), the State GOP provided an unprecedented early endorsement for an initiative campaign -- they endorsed our "Save The 2/3's Vote For Tax Increases" Initiative before the signature drive has even begun - it's never happened before.
Statement by WSRP Chair Luke Esser: "The State GOP strongly opposes the legislative effort by Governor Gregoire and the Democrats in Olympia to overturn voter approved I-960 requiring two-thirds legislative approval for tax increases. Republicans oppose higher taxes, especially during the middle of a recession when the legislature should be focused on creating -- not destroying -- jobs.
"Gregoire and the Democrats are making a huge mistake by overturning I-960, raising taxes, and ignoring Republicans' call for reforming government.
"The two safeguards against higher taxes this November are electing more Republicans and passing this initiative."
The GOP has always followed the practice to not take a position on initiatives until after they've turned in enough signatures to qualify. But yesterday, they voted to suspend the rules and overturn longstanding precedent to endorse the initiative (ironically, it took a 2/3's vote to suspend the rules).
"Especially because the legislature is in session, it is critical that we as a Party endorse this initiative now to send a clear message to Olympia's Democrats to not take away I-960," Skagit County Chairman Bob Eberle said when he made the motion to suspend the rules.
Statement by WSRP Chair Luke Esser: "The State GOP strongly opposes the legislative effort by Governor Gregoire and the Democrats in Olympia to overturn voter approved I-960 requiring two-thirds legislative approval for tax increases. Republicans oppose higher taxes, especially during the middle of a recession when the legislature should be focused on creating -- not destroying -- jobs.
"Gregoire and the Democrats are making a huge mistake by overturning I-960, raising taxes, and ignoring Republicans' call for reforming government.
"The two safeguards against higher taxes this November are electing more Republicans and passing this initiative."
The GOP has always followed the practice to not take a position on initiatives until after they've turned in enough signatures to qualify. But yesterday, they voted to suspend the rules and overturn longstanding precedent to endorse the initiative (ironically, it took a 2/3's vote to suspend the rules).
"Especially because the legislature is in session, it is critical that we as a Party endorse this initiative now to send a clear message to Olympia's Democrats to not take away I-960," Skagit County Chairman Bob Eberle said when he made the motion to suspend the rules.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
2010 Washington State Legislative Session: Anti-Initiative Bills
Here are the bills the legislature is considering to restrict citizen access to government (and what else is wrong with them).
Senate Joint Resolution 8202 - sponsored by Sen. Ken Jacobsen (D-Seattle) -- Amends the Constitution and removes the people’s initiative and referendum powers.
Ken Jacobsen is the most honest elected official on this issue. He’s plainly pushing to take our Constitutional rights away from us. The sponsors of the other anti-initiative bills listed below hide their opposition and seek to impose unneeded, costly requirements on citizens so as to effectively repeal the initiative process with a stealth “regulate to death” strategy.
House Bill 2614 - Sponsored by Rep. Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) – Citizens who exercise their First Amendment rights by signing an initiative petition must have their signature invalidated if the person who gathered their signature forgets to fill out the back of the petition.
Why should perfectly valid voter signatures be rejected, and thus voters be disenfranchised, if the person who gathered those signatures forgot to fill out the back of the petition? This bill says that the Secretary of State must reject petitions, and thus reject valid signatures of interested voters, based on whether the person gathering the signatures publicly identifies himself/herself on the back with their signature, name, address, city, state, zip code, and date.
In 2006, the Initiative 917 campaign turned in 17,000 petition sheets and 3000 of them did not have signature gatherers’ names on the back; all 3000 came from volunteers. If HB 2614 had been in effect, tens of thousands of valid voter signatures would be rejected, and thus Tens Of Thousands Of Voters Would Be Disenfranchised, because some of our volunteers either forgot or chose not to fill out the back of the petition. The tens of thousands of voters who signed those petitions wanted their signatures to count and they shouldn’t be penalized, and thus be disenfranchised, based on the person who gathered their signatures.
The US 9th Circuit Court struck down a 1993 Washington state law that required the names and addresses of people collecting voter signatures for ballot measures to be publicly reported. They ruled that citizens who ask voters to sign petitions have a right to anonymity ("There can be no doubt that the compelled disclosure of this information chills political speech.”). People who gather signatures are regularly harassed and forcing them to publicly identify themselves will make them even more susceptible to intimidation.
Citizens should not be deterred from exercising their free speech rights because of a legitimate fear of retaliation caused by laws like this.
Sponsors of HB 2614 claim they just want to find the people collecting ‘bad’ signatures. This problem does not exist – from 1999 through 2009, 36 ballot measures submitted 10,516,645 voter signatures to the Secretary of State. In response to a public records request, their office confirms that they’ve had “no instances of verified forgeries or fraud in the signature gathering process for statewide measures during those years.” 10 years, 10 million signatures, zero instances of verified forgeries or fraud. It's clear that initiative campaigns are doing a very good job and the Secretary of State is making sure that only initiatives with enough valid voter signatures qualify for the ballot. This bill is unnecessary and oppressive.
Under current law, the Secretary of State rejects a voter's signature on a petition if it doesn't exactly match the signature on the voter's registration – valid voter signatures count, 'non-matched' voter signatures don't. Under this bill, perfectly valid voter signatures must be rejected also. With HB 2614, the Secretary of State's top priority will be to take petitions filled with valid voter signatures and throw them in the garbage.
House Bill 2613 - Sponsored by Rep. Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) – “They-gotta-register-and-be-licensed-by-the-government-to-gather-voter-signatures-and-if-you-don't-then-perfectly-valid-voter-signatures-will-be-rejected” bill – free citizens exercising their First Amendment rights who ask voters to sign petitions be subjected to criminal background checks – people collecting signatures must be registered & licensed by the government valid voter signatures gathered by unlicensed people must be rejected.
HB 2613 conditions First Amendment rights on receiving government permission – no license, no First Amendment rights. Requiring citizens who collect voter signatures to first register with the government is clearly unconstitutional and absurd (the state budget office’s 10 year cost projection for this new tax on signature gathering: $66,300 for “Paper-Copy Fingerprint-Based Background Checks”). People who collect signatures must give the government “A conventional photograph showing head, neck, and shoulders and is appropriate for copying and processing.”
Most disturbingly, the bill says that valid voter signatures must be rejected if they’re collected by non-licensed people. If HB 2613 passes, voters who are given the opportunity to sign a petition will first need to make sure that the person gathering their signature has been found “acceptable” by the government (if they don’t, then their signature won’t count). It even says that if there’s an invalid voter signature found on a petition sheet – even just one – then the person who collected that signature is banned from collecting voter signatures for 5 years. HB 2613 also contains the same noxious policies as HB 2614 described above. HB 2613 would stigmatize and deter citizens from exercising their First Amendment rights, require the rejection of perfectly valid voter signatures, and limit and impair the initiative process.
House Bill 2397 - Sponsored by Rep. Jim Moeller (D-Vancouver) -- The “Initiative Petitioners Stink Like Smokers” bill – treats people who collect petition signatures like smokers and orders them 25 feet away.
This is, by far, the stupidest, goofiest anti-initiative bill we’ve ever seen. It’s laughably unconstitutional, under both our state Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. For decades, the Courts have consistently ruled that people who collect signatures for ballot measures are exercising First Amendment rights and their free speech activity is subject to the highest protections. The Courts have also ruled that big box stores are public forums where this right is guaranteed – the rulings say that if these stores allow any First Amendment activity (like Christmas bell ringers, Girl Scouts, etc) that they can't discriminate amongst them (if they allow some, they must allow all). Most importantly, our state Constitution guarantees the right to initiative and referendum and only laws that facilitate the process (make it easier) are permissible – laws that make the process tougher are de facto unconstitutional. HB 2397 clearly makes the process tougher – the people’s right to initiative, guaranteed by the Constitution, is violated by this.
Absurdly, the bill’s sponsors took the language for the state’s smoking ban, which keeps smokers 25 feet away from "entrances, exits, & windows," and copied it & applied it to people who ask fellow citizens to sign petitions.
The collection of signatures for ballot measures is protected free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment and our state Constitution – smoking is not. HB 2397 is, again, the stupidest, goofiest anti-initiative bill we’ve ever seen.
House Bill 2615 – Sponsored by Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) – a 5000% increase in the filing fee for initiatives.
The Code Reviser’s office drafts over 12,000 bills for legislators every session (the politicians pushing HB 2615 are sponsoring 1216 bills in 2010). Legislators are not required to pay ANY fees to have their bills drafted and reviewed; instead, the Code Reviser’s office is funded with a fixed yearly budget of $4.6 million per year. They don’t work on commission – they aren’t paid on a per-bill basis – it’s a fixed cost regardless of the number of bills introduced by legislators. The Code Reviser’s office also reviews the handful of initiatives that are filed each year (23 initiatives to the people were filed in 2009).
If there were no initiatives filed, there would be no reduction in the Code Reviser’s $4.6 million budget. It costs taxpayers the same for them to review 50 initiatives or 10 or 1. Same goes for the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s offices. This bill radically increases the cost to file an initiative and is clearly intended to deter citizens from petitioning their government for change. The huge number of signatures required to qualify for the ballot already provides a big enough hurdle.
Our state Constitution makes clear that only laws that facilitate the process are allowed – HB 2615 certainly doesn’t make it easier. If legislators are interested in deterring legislation and revenue-generation, why not require legislators to pay $5 for each bill they introduce? That would put them on par with what citizens pay for initiative filings. The people overwhelmingly support the initiative process and oppose legislative sabotage, like these, imposing additional burdens on the citizens.
Senate Joint Resolution 8202 - sponsored by Sen. Ken Jacobsen (D-Seattle) -- Amends the Constitution and removes the people’s initiative and referendum powers.
Ken Jacobsen is the most honest elected official on this issue. He’s plainly pushing to take our Constitutional rights away from us. The sponsors of the other anti-initiative bills listed below hide their opposition and seek to impose unneeded, costly requirements on citizens so as to effectively repeal the initiative process with a stealth “regulate to death” strategy.
House Bill 2614 - Sponsored by Rep. Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) – Citizens who exercise their First Amendment rights by signing an initiative petition must have their signature invalidated if the person who gathered their signature forgets to fill out the back of the petition.
Why should perfectly valid voter signatures be rejected, and thus voters be disenfranchised, if the person who gathered those signatures forgot to fill out the back of the petition? This bill says that the Secretary of State must reject petitions, and thus reject valid signatures of interested voters, based on whether the person gathering the signatures publicly identifies himself/herself on the back with their signature, name, address, city, state, zip code, and date.
In 2006, the Initiative 917 campaign turned in 17,000 petition sheets and 3000 of them did not have signature gatherers’ names on the back; all 3000 came from volunteers. If HB 2614 had been in effect, tens of thousands of valid voter signatures would be rejected, and thus Tens Of Thousands Of Voters Would Be Disenfranchised, because some of our volunteers either forgot or chose not to fill out the back of the petition. The tens of thousands of voters who signed those petitions wanted their signatures to count and they shouldn’t be penalized, and thus be disenfranchised, based on the person who gathered their signatures.
The US 9th Circuit Court struck down a 1993 Washington state law that required the names and addresses of people collecting voter signatures for ballot measures to be publicly reported. They ruled that citizens who ask voters to sign petitions have a right to anonymity ("There can be no doubt that the compelled disclosure of this information chills political speech.”). People who gather signatures are regularly harassed and forcing them to publicly identify themselves will make them even more susceptible to intimidation.
Citizens should not be deterred from exercising their free speech rights because of a legitimate fear of retaliation caused by laws like this.
Sponsors of HB 2614 claim they just want to find the people collecting ‘bad’ signatures. This problem does not exist – from 1999 through 2009, 36 ballot measures submitted 10,516,645 voter signatures to the Secretary of State. In response to a public records request, their office confirms that they’ve had “no instances of verified forgeries or fraud in the signature gathering process for statewide measures during those years.” 10 years, 10 million signatures, zero instances of verified forgeries or fraud. It's clear that initiative campaigns are doing a very good job and the Secretary of State is making sure that only initiatives with enough valid voter signatures qualify for the ballot. This bill is unnecessary and oppressive.
Under current law, the Secretary of State rejects a voter's signature on a petition if it doesn't exactly match the signature on the voter's registration – valid voter signatures count, 'non-matched' voter signatures don't. Under this bill, perfectly valid voter signatures must be rejected also. With HB 2614, the Secretary of State's top priority will be to take petitions filled with valid voter signatures and throw them in the garbage.
House Bill 2613 - Sponsored by Rep. Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) – “They-gotta-register-and-be-licensed-by-the-government-to-gather-voter-signatures-and-if-you-don't-then-perfectly-valid-voter-signatures-will-be-rejected” bill – free citizens exercising their First Amendment rights who ask voters to sign petitions be subjected to criminal background checks – people collecting signatures must be registered & licensed by the government valid voter signatures gathered by unlicensed people must be rejected.
HB 2613 conditions First Amendment rights on receiving government permission – no license, no First Amendment rights. Requiring citizens who collect voter signatures to first register with the government is clearly unconstitutional and absurd (the state budget office’s 10 year cost projection for this new tax on signature gathering: $66,300 for “Paper-Copy Fingerprint-Based Background Checks”). People who collect signatures must give the government “A conventional photograph showing head, neck, and shoulders and is appropriate for copying and processing.”
Most disturbingly, the bill says that valid voter signatures must be rejected if they’re collected by non-licensed people. If HB 2613 passes, voters who are given the opportunity to sign a petition will first need to make sure that the person gathering their signature has been found “acceptable” by the government (if they don’t, then their signature won’t count). It even says that if there’s an invalid voter signature found on a petition sheet – even just one – then the person who collected that signature is banned from collecting voter signatures for 5 years. HB 2613 also contains the same noxious policies as HB 2614 described above. HB 2613 would stigmatize and deter citizens from exercising their First Amendment rights, require the rejection of perfectly valid voter signatures, and limit and impair the initiative process.
House Bill 2397 - Sponsored by Rep. Jim Moeller (D-Vancouver) -- The “Initiative Petitioners Stink Like Smokers” bill – treats people who collect petition signatures like smokers and orders them 25 feet away.
This is, by far, the stupidest, goofiest anti-initiative bill we’ve ever seen. It’s laughably unconstitutional, under both our state Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. For decades, the Courts have consistently ruled that people who collect signatures for ballot measures are exercising First Amendment rights and their free speech activity is subject to the highest protections. The Courts have also ruled that big box stores are public forums where this right is guaranteed – the rulings say that if these stores allow any First Amendment activity (like Christmas bell ringers, Girl Scouts, etc) that they can't discriminate amongst them (if they allow some, they must allow all). Most importantly, our state Constitution guarantees the right to initiative and referendum and only laws that facilitate the process (make it easier) are permissible – laws that make the process tougher are de facto unconstitutional. HB 2397 clearly makes the process tougher – the people’s right to initiative, guaranteed by the Constitution, is violated by this.
Absurdly, the bill’s sponsors took the language for the state’s smoking ban, which keeps smokers 25 feet away from "entrances, exits, & windows," and copied it & applied it to people who ask fellow citizens to sign petitions.
The collection of signatures for ballot measures is protected free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment and our state Constitution – smoking is not. HB 2397 is, again, the stupidest, goofiest anti-initiative bill we’ve ever seen.
House Bill 2615 – Sponsored by Sam Hunt (D-Olympia) – a 5000% increase in the filing fee for initiatives.
The Code Reviser’s office drafts over 12,000 bills for legislators every session (the politicians pushing HB 2615 are sponsoring 1216 bills in 2010). Legislators are not required to pay ANY fees to have their bills drafted and reviewed; instead, the Code Reviser’s office is funded with a fixed yearly budget of $4.6 million per year. They don’t work on commission – they aren’t paid on a per-bill basis – it’s a fixed cost regardless of the number of bills introduced by legislators. The Code Reviser’s office also reviews the handful of initiatives that are filed each year (23 initiatives to the people were filed in 2009).
If there were no initiatives filed, there would be no reduction in the Code Reviser’s $4.6 million budget. It costs taxpayers the same for them to review 50 initiatives or 10 or 1. Same goes for the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s offices. This bill radically increases the cost to file an initiative and is clearly intended to deter citizens from petitioning their government for change. The huge number of signatures required to qualify for the ballot already provides a big enough hurdle.
Our state Constitution makes clear that only laws that facilitate the process are allowed – HB 2615 certainly doesn’t make it easier. If legislators are interested in deterring legislation and revenue-generation, why not require legislators to pay $5 for each bill they introduce? That would put them on par with what citizens pay for initiative filings. The people overwhelmingly support the initiative process and oppose legislative sabotage, like these, imposing additional burdens on the citizens.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
More Gun Ban Legislation
Now the state senate has introduced its own gun restrictions, SB 6396, sponsored by Senators Fairley, Kline, Kohl-Welles, and McDermott. Get a copy
Future sale of every self-loading and pump action rifle or shotgun which has a detachable magazine and a pistol style grip near the trigger is banned. This description fits nearly every type of rifle and shotgun.
Magazines may not hold more than ten rounds.
For those already possessing this newly defined assault weapon class, and who decide to keep it, every year storage must be inspected on site and certified by the county Sheriff.
SB 6396 defines possession in the presence of children of a firearm with more than 10 rounds in the magazine as felony.
Even a concealed pistol license holder in possession of a self-loading self-defense pistol containing more than 10 rounds is a felony.
As always, please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator TODAY at 800-562-6000 and urge them to oppose SB 6396. More contact information for your legislators can be found here, then click on the Find Your District tab.
Future sale of every self-loading and pump action rifle or shotgun which has a detachable magazine and a pistol style grip near the trigger is banned. This description fits nearly every type of rifle and shotgun.
Magazines may not hold more than ten rounds.
For those already possessing this newly defined assault weapon class, and who decide to keep it, every year storage must be inspected on site and certified by the county Sheriff.
SB 6396 defines possession in the presence of children of a firearm with more than 10 rounds in the magazine as felony.
Even a concealed pistol license holder in possession of a self-loading self-defense pistol containing more than 10 rounds is a felony.
As always, please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator TODAY at 800-562-6000 and urge them to oppose SB 6396. More contact information for your legislators can be found here, then click on the Find Your District tab.
Washington State Income Tax Proposal
Its here. The Washington State Senate proposes to keep the massive state sales tax and add a massive income tax.
SB 6250 (get your copy), titled AN ACT Relating to fiscal reform, has been introduced in the Senate by Senators Franklin, Kohl-Welles, and McDermott. The Office of Financial Management identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers (This published projection is in accordance with I960, which the legislature is also trying to bypass. Apparently the legislature is more comfortable with the public not knowing what the legislature is doing).
As proposed, this Washington State Income Tax will increase taxpayer burden by 23.3 billion over the next ten years, according to the state's Office of Financial Management projection. That's an annual tax increase of at least $925 per wage earner. In the very least, there will be more paperwork to do.
In the current state of economy, Washington State will fare very badly under such a massive increase in taxation.
Will Washington State will have an income tax, or not. Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose SB 6250. More contact information for the legislators can be found here, then click on the Find Your District tab.
SB 6250 (get your copy), titled AN ACT Relating to fiscal reform, has been introduced in the Senate by Senators Franklin, Kohl-Welles, and McDermott. The Office of Financial Management identified this bill as requiring a ten-year projection of increased cost to the taxpayers (This published projection is in accordance with I960, which the legislature is also trying to bypass. Apparently the legislature is more comfortable with the public not knowing what the legislature is doing).
As proposed, this Washington State Income Tax will increase taxpayer burden by 23.3 billion over the next ten years, according to the state's Office of Financial Management projection. That's an annual tax increase of at least $925 per wage earner. In the very least, there will be more paperwork to do.
In the current state of economy, Washington State will fare very badly under such a massive increase in taxation.
Will Washington State will have an income tax, or not. Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose SB 6250. More contact information for the legislators can be found here, then click on the Find Your District tab.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Legislation to Attack Gun Rights
State Representatives Brendan Williams (D-22) and Maralyn Chase (D-32) have introduced House Bill 2477, a bill that seeks to abolish the private transfer of firearms, even between family and friends, at gun shows.
Simply put, HB2477 would hold law-abiding gun owners liable for the acts of criminals. Under this bill, if a firearm is privately transferred at a gun show to a person who is ineligible, the seller can be held liable for injury or death caused by the criminal use of that firearm.
Further, in order to implement this bill, tracking firearm ownership will be required. The predictable follow-up to this bill's passage is comprehensive firearms registration.
Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator TODAY at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose HB2477. More contact information for your legislators can be found here, then click on the Find Your District tab.
Simply put, HB2477 would hold law-abiding gun owners liable for the acts of criminals. Under this bill, if a firearm is privately transferred at a gun show to a person who is ineligible, the seller can be held liable for injury or death caused by the criminal use of that firearm.
Further, in order to implement this bill, tracking firearm ownership will be required. The predictable follow-up to this bill's passage is comprehensive firearms registration.
Please contact both of your State Representatives and your State Senator TODAY at 800-562-6000 and politely urge them to oppose HB2477. More contact information for your legislators can be found here, then click on the Find Your District tab.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
No Joke
On Washington State's official website,, these three items are grouped together.
- Get unemployment benefits
- Find stimulus jobs
- See the winning lottery numbers
Get unemployed, become a government hire, this is as likely to help as winning the lotto. There is a deeper meaning here.
- Get unemployment benefits
- Find stimulus jobs
- See the winning lottery numbers
Get unemployed, become a government hire, this is as likely to help as winning the lotto. There is a deeper meaning here.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Democrat Arrogance On Parade
Washington State governor Christine Gregoire attacked the initiative process. She told thousands of citizens to "stop meddling" and "leave it to us." Gregoire is a perfect example of an authoritarian Democrat. "Democratic" Party my eye.
Yesterday, Gregoire attacked the initiative process, saying that legislating can only be done by the experts in Olympia. She told our thousands of supporters and the voters to "stop meddling" and to "leave it to us." Her arrogance seems boundless. And she's not alone -- on Friday in Seattle, Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown said "We have to get 960 [the people's imposition of a tax report and supermajority requirement on the legislature] overturned as soon as possible." She goes so far as to invoke God, saying that raising taxes is a "moral necessity."
With politicians like them in charge of Olympia, is it any wonder that taxpayers want the opportunity to fight back?
Washington State continues down the road of irresponsible arrogance and big government policies. Big labor Bosses are the dancing master and Gregoire and the Democreeps are too terrified to get out of step.
Its historically interesting the Democreeps perfected their technique of election stealing via endless recounts here in 2004. (subsequently this technique has served the Democreep perversion process in Minnesota in 2008, with the appointment of Al Franken to the Democreep controlled US Senate.
Washington State, where "Democratic" corruption technology is perfected.
End tyranny: Gregoire out now!
Yesterday, Gregoire attacked the initiative process, saying that legislating can only be done by the experts in Olympia. She told our thousands of supporters and the voters to "stop meddling" and to "leave it to us." Her arrogance seems boundless. And she's not alone -- on Friday in Seattle, Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown said "We have to get 960 [the people's imposition of a tax report and supermajority requirement on the legislature] overturned as soon as possible." She goes so far as to invoke God, saying that raising taxes is a "moral necessity."
With politicians like them in charge of Olympia, is it any wonder that taxpayers want the opportunity to fight back?
At 10 am yesterday in our state's Capitol in Olympia, the 14 of us formally filed our 2010 initiative -- Save The 2/3's Vote For Tax Increases (petitions won't be mailed out until February ... once they're available, we'll only have 5 months to collect 300,000 voter signatures before the early July deadline). Our initiative is about respecting the voters' ballot box decisions -- they've approved the 2/3's vote requirement for tax increases 3 times -- and it's about making it tougher to raise taxes. Gregoire keeps saying that taxes will only be increased "as a last resort" -- this initiative's 2/3's vote requirement makes sure that actually happens.Washington State is in depression, like the rest of the US. Here the Democreeps sense an opportunity to truly immiserate and impoverish the people. The Democreeps will raise tax rates. They will do this by overturning the rule of law and removing the limits placed on them by the people. The corporatist Democreeps hate the free people of the state of Washington.
Our initiative is, by far, the people's most effective lobbying tool against higher taxes. [report from Tim Eyman]
Washington State continues down the road of irresponsible arrogance and big government policies. Big labor Bosses are the dancing master and Gregoire and the Democreeps are too terrified to get out of step.
Its historically interesting the Democreeps perfected their technique of election stealing via endless recounts here in 2004. (subsequently this technique has served the Democreep perversion process in Minnesota in 2008, with the appointment of Al Franken to the Democreep controlled US Senate.
Washington State, where "Democratic" corruption technology is perfected.
End tyranny: Gregoire out now!
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