Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Governor signs anti-racism real-estate law

Governor Inslee signed HB1474 into law today.  The media trumpeted the new law as removing racist covenants from real estate titles.  By mandating removal of those covenants, some people who previously suffered discrimination can now buy real estate... but the whole effort is about 75 years late.  You see, other than the $100 increase in fees for recording a deed, nothing has really changed.  The autocratic media and WA government are fibbing to us.

Since the United States Supreme Court’s 1948 decision in the case Shelley v. Kraemer, restrictive covenants based on race have been unenforceable [Cornell Law].  Inslee, the Democrats and their media lapdogs are fantasizing.

The Democrats enacted a plan to fix something that had been fixed 75 years ago.  That assures them of success.  After their 1474 has no effect, they can claim that they must make more draconian intrusions into life in order to fix social problems of racism.  This may be their ultimate goal: Unlimited control of a formerly free people.


You might still find racist covenants on your title deed, but they have no effect.  You can remove the covenants from your title deed, if you have money to spend.  They appear now as sort of a historical remnant of another age --  a lesson of where we came from, but not where we are now.  And we need to remember that history is a record of our past foolishness.  That way we can learn.

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