Thursday, April 18, 2019

No one is safe with this legislature in session.

Last Summer, the US Supreme Court ruled government workers have the freedom not to be forced to support unions (Janus v. AFSCME).  The Supreme Court ruling is based on the public employees’ First Amendment right to make personal decisions about whether to financially support a union.

Straightway, Washington State's government union bosses huddled into a dark corner and made a deal with Washington State's "Democratic" Party.  The deal was that the union bosses would use their connections and -the media to support the Democrat legislature candidates, if the Democratic Party would use the state's resources to break the Janus decisions.

Part of the payback came today:  The Washington State House voted to approve House Bill 1575, a government union-backed measure intended to subvert Janus.   HB 1575 claims it will "strengthen the rights of workers through collective bargaining." 

Impolite asks, What workers' rights are strengthened by compulsion?  Isn't it clear that only civil right guarantees workers' rights?  Apparently not to the authoritarian leftists in the Democratic Party of Washington State.

Two Democrats sided with individual freedom.  Tim Sheldon (D-Potlatch) joined the chamber’s Republicans in voting against the bill.  Bob Hasegawa (D-Seattle) voted against the legislation because of his philosophical opposition to removing now-unenforceable mandatory union fee requirements from state laws.

The rest of the legislature's Democrats voted to milk government workers.

“Union-backed lawmakers in Olympia are establishing quite a track record of passing illegal and unconstitutional laws to benefit their political allies at the expense of public employees’ civil liberties,” said Maxford Nelsen, the Freedom Foundation’s director of labor policy.

The the Freedom Foundation promotes individual liberty, free enterprise and limited, accountable government.

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