Friday, April 26, 2019

Cindy Ochoa beats union bosses

Cindy Ochoa’s story undermines every union lie and lays bare their true motivation.

Ochoa, a Spokane homecare provider, opted out of SEIU 775 shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2014 ruling in Harris v. Quinn struck down mandatory dues and fees for Medicaid-reimbursed caregivers and childcare providers.

By 2017, however, the union began garnishing her checks again. That’s when she contacted the Freedom Foundation.

It turns out one of SEIU 775’s arm-twisters had paid Ochoa a visit a year before to coerce her back into the fold. And once again, she refused to sign.

Unfazed, the union rep simply forged her signature on a membership card and submitted it.

SEIU 775, of course, never scrutinized the document. Nor did the state of Washington, which dutifully began deducting dues once again.

Suddenly the burden was on Ochoa to prove fraud had been perpetrated in her name.

And true to form, SEIU 775 dragged its feet and attempted to dodge every step of the way — long after it was obvious to all that the signature was bogus.

In April, thanks to unrelenting pressure from the Freedom Foundation, the union finally folded its bluff hand and agreed to pay Ochoa $15,000 to settle her claims.

Equally satisfying was the $13,000 SEIU 775 paid to the Freedom Foundation for its legal fees.

After two years, Cindy Ochoa finally has justice and the Freedom Foundation has once again forced SEIU to pay for its misdeeds.

In the meantime, SEIU 775 has been exposed as the predator it is — yet again.

From the Freedom Foundation

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