Friday, January 26, 2018

Greed house gas tax

The Washington State legislature is proposing a $7.4 billion Carbon Pollution Tax, SB 6203 - 2017-18.

2016 tax rate
The tax will be added to the price you pay for gasoline and electricity.  Washington State already has the second highest gasoline taxes in the country.  Gasoline taxes will increase 18¢ per gallon. Inlsee and the legislature don't seem to think  greenhouse gas taxes are high enough

If you use natural gas to heat your home, you will be taxed more for that.

Industry that uses natural gas, like the beer brewing industry, will have to add the tax to the price of their product.  This carbon tax will be tough on Seattle's micro-brewers.

The Senate bill report reviews the implications of this measure, and reflects how current law handles the existing situation (Yes, Virginia, we already have law to protect the environment against pollution).

Its apparent the purpose of the proposed carbon tax is to suck more money out of the the people of Washington State. Climate change is a tax issue. It is not scientific fact.  Greed lives in Olympia.

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