Thursday, January 6, 2011

Governor Gregoire Rebels Against the People

"I'm not gonna let 1053 [the law] stand in the way of me moving forward for what I think is right."
-- Governor Christine Gregoire

On Tuesday, at a pre-session Associated Press event in Olympia, Gregoire placed herself firmly in favor of lawlessness, and against the will of the people.

I-1053 is the law.

I-1053 was approved by 64% of the voters and it is the 4th time it has been approved by them.

Thanks to Senator Roach and Attorney General McKenna, we have an AG legal opinion that backs up this clear principle supported by 64% of voters: decisions about taking more of the people's money must be made by elected representatives in the Legislature -- we, as a state, reject taxation without representation.

It is truly scary when the highest ranking official in the government declares her superiority to the rule of law. No one is above the law, not even the governor.


As many as nine Democrats lost their seats in November for refusing to abide by Initiative 960 approved by 51% of the people 3 years ago. Now we see governor Christine Gregoire advocating disrespect of 64% of the people who approved I-1053 just 2 months ago.

Voters will assuredly go medieval on officials who follow Gregoire on her lawless, political-suicide mission.

A super-majority of voters approved I-1053 in November. The initiative requires taxes and fees be treated differently: Tax hikes need a 2/3 vote of the Legislature and fee increases need a majority vote. Simple, plain, understandable.


The opinion by Attorney General Rob McKenna, requested by Sen. Pam Roach, backs up what we've been saying since day one. State agencies -- including the Transportation Commission on tolls and public schools on tuition -- can no longer unilaterally impose new fees. (The transportation commission, and other state commissions are staffed only by bureaucrats. Bureaucrats are unelected and are unresponsive to the will of the People.)

And if a tax increase is truly necessary, then getting 2/3's legislative approval or a vote of the people -- I-1053's requirement -- shouldn't be a problem.


But Governor Christine Gregoire advocated overthrow of lawful government.

Governor Christine Gregoire - This is America. You work for Us! You are not above the law!


Washington State Constitution

SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

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