Thursday, February 8, 2024

Democrat bill SB 5770 to TRIPLE the increase in property tax

Senate Bill 5770 is absolutely tone-deaf and unnecessary.

People have already consistently spoken against raising property taxes for various reasons. We are in the midst of an economic recession and inflationary cycle, and there is little appetite to bear the load of new property taxes.

What is more troubling is that we already have a housing affordability problem, and this bill will directly impact rental properties to the tune of thousands of dollars per unit, in some casesraising taxes by hundreds of dollars a month. SB 5770 heavily impacts the most vulnerable citizens in our state, those on fixed incomes, the elderly, and those working paycheck to paycheck, barely keeping up with inflationary costs.

When the average cost for a single bedroom apartment in the Puget Sound corridor is nearing $1600, adding another hundred dollars to that is simply unfathomable.

In addition, Impolite should note that Seattle property taxes in the top 5 most expensive in big U.S. cities.  The median property tax paid by Seattle homeowners in 2022 was around $6,800. From 2010 to 2021, the tax had risen by 89% or about $3600.  Incidentally, if you rent, you pay this increase.


Washingtonians are great at keeping our economy rolling along and we deserve to keep as much as we earn!

The state coffers are already full of our hard-earned tax dollars.  We do not need more money to fully fund the already bloated state spending.

Contact your state Senator.  Stop SB 5770.

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