Monday, March 21, 2022

Legilslative activity summary & gun restrictions

309 regulatory and tax bills passed both houses of the Washington state legislature.  The list of all 309 bills can be found at this link.  

The governor may not have signed all bills yet, so they may not yet be law.


The following bills are on the governor's desk.  Governor Inslee has not signed them into law yet.


Please email Governor Jay Inslee and urge him to VETO these bills.   Tell him the state has no right to complicate a person's self-defense.  Also, remind him the state constitution recognizes our individual right to be armed in defense of self (Article 1, Section 24

Here's a suggested message:

Please veto Senate Bill 5078 and House Bill 1705, HB 1630 & HB 1901

"The state has no right to complicate a person's self-defense.  The state constitution recognizes our individual right to be armed in defense of self (Article 1, Section 24).  Firearm restrictions only affect the law abiding, and will not stop criminals even slightly.

Thank you for your attention"


The Legislature is not scheduled to reconvene until January 2023.

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