Monday, November 8, 2021

Washington State citizens' petition available now

Stop the income tax

The state legislature enacted an illegal tax on personal income.  Although the legislature claims the income tax is directed only at the ultra-rich, don't believe it.  If the legislature is will to enact an illegal tax, they certainly won't be bothered by lying about their intent to 'tax only the rich.'

We the People are opposing this tax with a citizens initiative petition, Initiative 1408.  This measure would prohibit the state, counties, and cities from imposing or collecting taxes it describes as “based on personal income,” and repeal a tax on certain sales of long-term capital assets.

Stop Olympia's ever expanding appetite for our money.  Get copies of the petition from


Stop the new payroll tax expansion

Starting January 1st, Olympia will raise your payroll taxes hundreds of dollars each year for a new program that will give you little, or nothing, in return.

I-1436 allows you to opt in — OR OPT OUT — of participating in Olympia’s new long-term care tax at any time. The choice of providing for your future stays in YOUR hands… not the government’s.

Imagine a retirement program that forces you to pay in, but you receive no benefits if you retire within 10 years.
Or a program that takes away your benefits if you move to another state (you can’t take it with you).
Or a program with NO income cap — even Social Security and Medicare don’t do that!
Or a program that taxes you for your entire working life while your benefits for a family are limited and could last less than a year.

Get petition copies.  Join the effort to stop Olympia ever expanding tax affair.  Initiative website -

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