Saturday, June 19, 2021

WA Unemployment Insurance

Changes are coming to your unemployment compensation qualifications.

Job search requirements are being restored in early July.  Individuals drawing unemployment insurance will be required to look for work and document approved job search activities each week in order to remain eligible for unemployment benefits. 

Job search activities begin the week of July 4th, and claimants will report those activities starting the week of July 11th and every week thereafter that benefits are needed.

The Employment Security Department (ESD) will assist individuals to understand the job search requirements before they go back into effect. Communications via email and eServices are taking place starting this week. ESD will send multiple notices with details about what to do leading up to the requirement going back into place.

To learn more about job search requirements now, review the list of acceptable job search activities on this hyperlink - job search activities on the ESD website.


Important action required for some claimants

The Employment Security Department (ESD) began running a scan June 11th on the unemployment benefits system (UTAB), to ensure claimants are or were receiving benefits from the correct program.   ESD is required to do this by federal law, even if claimants have stopped filing weekly claims.  

Many current and former claimants will be required to answer additional questions when ESD staff think the claimant might qualify for a new claim or not. The fact-finding includes a link to apply for a new claim.

Claimants are advised to respond to all emails, postal mail, and web notices from ESD.  For more information, read the potential new claim alert webpage on

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