Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Carry Ban Sent to the Senate Floor for Rapid Consideration

Yesterday, anti-gun (& anti freedom) Senate Bill 5038 was pulled from the Senate Rules Committee and sent to the Senate Floor where it can be rushed through at any time.   Everyone ought to contact their State Senator and ask them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 5038 in any form.

Senate Bill 5038 makes it a crime to openly carry, on the person or in a vehicle, a firearm or other “weapon” if the person is participating in, or attending, a “permitted demonstration” in a public place.  “Permitted demonstration” is defined to mean any behavior by at least one person expressing views or airing grievances, which is intended to, or attracts, an unspecified number of onlookers (a “crowd”).  

The bill also prohibits openly carrying a firearm or other weapon within 250 feet of a demonstration in a public place after a law enforcement officer advises the person to leave. 

The intent of the bill is called into question because, under SB 5038's vague language, a single person openly expressing their views could be considered a “permitted demonstration” if it “intends” to draw a crowd.  Senate Bill 5038 potentially causes those who are engaging in otherwise lawful activities to become criminals because of the actions of others.

Comment on this bill at    My message to the legislature was brief: "Preventing the law abiding citizen a means of self-defense is morally wrong, no matter the circumstances.  Please vote no on SB 5038."

It is very important that citizens and  Second Amendment supporters contact their State Senator and ask them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 5038.

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