Saturday, March 9, 2019

Woodenheads ban the plastic bag

SB 5323 Prohibit retailers from using single-use plastic, or a reusable plastic bag made of film plastic that does not meet recycled content requirements.  Retailers will be required to charge for giving out paper bags!  It goes on. See the 5323 digest, and the bill's homepage

Notice there is no special exemption of biodegradable plastics, such as for polylactic acid (PLA), a plastic made from corn.  So another point of 5323 is to shut down allowed scientific development in plastic with a closed mind. 

About paper bags:  Under the terms of 5323, you will pay 8 cents per paper bag.  Or you can bring your own reusable bag to the store.  If you got the reusable bag route, please keep your bag clean, or else you pass around your own private collection of dirt.  On second thought, you can hope everyone else keeps their bags clean.

The Senate should have known stores don't give us free plastic bags for their convenience.  Single use bags are widely accepted because they are single use.  If the store stays cleaner, everyone stays healthier.

Gov. Enslee is expected to sign this arrogant stupidity.


The Legislature also is cooking up another plastic ban: SB 5397 will impose new restriction on plastic packaging, like what your peanut butter comes in.  There is no test for consumer safety, such as the safety of plastic jugs for consumer laundry bleach.  The legislature calls this "responsible plastic packaging." 

The Senate's actions make our lives more complicated, expensive, and dangerous to live, thus reduce our living.  That unveils that the Legislature is only trying to establish they rule the "little people" of the state.

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