Thursday, February 7, 2019

Stupid plastic bag ban

Talk about overreach.  Now Washington State is going to be just like California, no matter how stupidly.  In the Legislature's bill digest we find the following:

SB 5323 Would prohibit- a retail establishment from:

(1) Providing to a customer or a person at an event:
    (a) A single-use plastic carryout  bag;  or
    (b)  a  paper  carryout  bag  or  reusable carryout bag made of film plastic that does not meet recycled content requirements; and

(2)  Using  or  providing  certain  polyethylene  or  other noncompostable plastic bags.Authorizes a retail establishment to provide a reusable carryout bag or a recycled content paper carryout bag of any size to a customer at the point of sale.

SB 5323 Would require  a  retail  establishment  to  collect  a  pass-through charge of not less than ten cents for every recycled content paper carryout bag or reusable carryout bag made of film plastic it provides.

SB 5323 Would prohibit a city, town, county, or municipal corporation from implementing a local carryout bag ordinance.

SB 5323 Would provide that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved.  Feh.

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