Initiative 1631 (also in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese) - Addresses global warming by taxing energy use. The advertised purpose is to tax fossil fuel and electricity use. Section 8, subsection 1 states "[a] pollution fee is imposed on ... electricity generated within or imported for consumption in the state"; and Subsection 5 adds that electricity from an unknown generation source may be taxed at an unspecified rate. This includes hydropower.
Despite being vague, the basic tax rate starts at `14¢ per gallon of gasoline, approximately 4%. Overall, energy consumption will be the about 4%, in the first year. By the fifth year, the energy tax will be double that. Everything's cost will be affected, from gasoline to food to keeping warm this winter.
Although the advertising for 1631 claims there will be 40,000 environmental jobs added to the state's economy, the initiative doesn't provide for any hiring. The jobs claim comes from thin air.
Impolite recommends a NO vote. I-1631 is a bad initiative.
Initiative 1634 (also in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese) - Addresses local authorities (mainly Seattle) imposing additional taxes and fees on the sales of food and food related products by banning additional taxes and fees. Taxes and fees in place already will not be affected.
Impolite believes strongly in the People's right to eat whatever they want to with being taxed, saddled with a fee, or assessed anything other than the cost of the substance. The government's right to tax ends at the human mouth.
Impolite recommends a YES vote on I-1634
Initiative 1639 (also in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese) - Restricts firearms storage, acquisition, fuzzily describes assault firearms and poorly describes the new crime of "unauthorized" use. Apparently a firearm owner will be charged with a crime if someone steals his firearm. See this Impolite post for a more.
The initiative seems to require firearms not be accessible for use in an emergency (The US Supreme Court already struck down this requirement in the Heller (also see Cornell) decision.) The apparent purpose of the initiative is to make everyone who uses a firearm a criminal.
Impolite is vehemently in favor of the right of the People to keep and bear arms in defense of self and the free state. I-1639 is a very bad idea.
Impolite strongly recommends a NO vote on I-1639.
Initiative 940 (also in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese) - Part 1, Section 2 states the requirement for law enforcement to get and maintain proficiency in "violence de-escalation and mental health training" in order to make Washington communities safer.
Its Impolite's guess that if the police find themselves in a shooting situation, lives are on the line. The act is skewed toward encounter type training, which may be practical for some aspects of police work.
Part 6, Section 7, immunizes law enforcement from civil prosecution if they act "in good faith."
Part 5 requires law enforcement to get and maintain certification in first aid. Application of first aid becomes the first duty of the police in a crime situation. This idea is stupid if a shooting situation is occurring. Part 5 (2)(c) requires the cop drop everything and render first aid even while the bullets fly.
I 940 is not well thought out, but some basic ideas have merit. A rework should be done and the initiative should then be re-submitted to the People.
But as it is now, I-940 is half-baked. Impolite recommends a NO vote on I-940.
Advisory Vote No. 19 - Repeal or maintain the taxes and fees on oil transportation in Washington State. This is a $13 million tax. Impolite cannot find any record of an oil transportation spill (see other kinds of spills here) in Washington State in the last 10 years, so it seems the previous tax and fee structure is working properly. Raising the tax is stupid, except to a greedy legislature. Advisory Vote No. 19 should be repealed.
Senator candidate review

Later, when RealNetworks stock price collapsed, she calmly defaulted on her loan payments, in part preciopitating the collapse of WaMu. Thousands of WaMu depositors were not so lucky. Cantwell does not answer Impolite's emails about this subject.
Cantwell was "the other woman" (or perhaps "creditor") in a lobbyist's divorce in 2006.
According to Ballotpedia, Cantwell is worth$3,771,505.50, which is lower than the average net worth of Democratic Senate members in 2012 of $13,566,333.90.
Cantwell can't say anything good about how her 18 years in The Swamp have actually helped Washington families.
Impolite suggests its time for Cantwell to make way for a fresh face.

Wikipedia gives Hutchinson's background:
"Hutchison serves as an officer of the following boards: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington, DC), Finance Chair (present) of Young Life International, Vice Chair (present) All-Star Orchestra, Vice President (present) and Chair (2006-2009) Seattle Symphony, and on the following boards: Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Children's Hospital Foundation, Discovery Institute, and Salvation Army.Ballotpedia has additional information here.
"She also has been a spokesperson for the American Leprosy Mission, Northwest Medical Teams, Job Corps, and March of Dimes, and has emceed charitable auctions, fundraising events and dinners.
"Her civic involvement includes the Governor’s A+ Commission on Education, National Collegiate Athletic Association Committee on Compliance, the King County Independent Task Force on Elections, and the Chancellor’s Advisory Council for Seattle Community Colleges."
Impolite plans to vote for Susan Hutchison for a change.
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