Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Restore the 2/3rds requirement to raise taxes
The State Supreme Court just made it a lot easier for the legislature to raise your taxes—and we know they’re going to try.
Washington voters have repeatedly (6 times) and overwhelmingly (64% in 2012) voted to require a super-majority vote for the legislature to increase taxes or fees. Yet six State Supreme Court justices sided with special interests to strike down this law.
Some politicians claim tax hikes are essential just to support basic services. It’s an outright lie. State revenue for the next budget is projected to be $2 billion more than in the last budget, yet politicians say it’s not enough. In fact, revenue has consistently increased over time. Washington State doesn’t have a revenue problem—we have a spending problem.
Let’s tell Olympia, loud and clear, that we don’t need more taxes. Sign our petition and tell WA Legislators to restore the two-thirds vote requirement on new taxes!
Washington voters have repeatedly (6 times) and overwhelmingly (64% in 2012) voted to require a super-majority vote for the legislature to increase taxes or fees. Yet six State Supreme Court justices sided with special interests to strike down this law.
Some politicians claim tax hikes are essential just to support basic services. It’s an outright lie. State revenue for the next budget is projected to be $2 billion more than in the last budget, yet politicians say it’s not enough. In fact, revenue has consistently increased over time. Washington State doesn’t have a revenue problem—we have a spending problem.
Let’s tell Olympia, loud and clear, that we don’t need more taxes. Sign our petition and tell WA Legislators to restore the two-thirds vote requirement on new taxes!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Legislative update
The very tired representative Cary Condotta filed this report on the Legislative session.
We have reached another cutoff date. Wednesday was the final day for us to pass House bills over to the Senate, and the Senate pass bills to us in the House. We had many late nights and some weekend work.
The most interesting part of the House floor action occurred in the last couple days. On Tuesday we passed about eight bills before noon. Then, the wait began.
House Democrats were adamant in getting a background check bill passed for firearms purchases. They had told the press for two days the bill was coming and it was going to pass. However, they didn’t have the votes in their own caucus despite having a majority. (They may have even had a few votes from Republicans.)
After almost nine hours Democrats informed us we were adjourning for the night. We sat, and we waited, and we did vote on one bill, but that was it. Gov. Jay Inslee and Vice President Joe Biden were calling members trying to use their influence [to enact gun control] on both sides of the aisle.
Once again, the majority said we are passing this [gun control] bill and we are not voting on any other bills or addressing any other issues until we pass this measure. Keep in mind, the Senate has no intention of passing this bill anyway.
The governor has talked about regulatory reform and bringing jobs to Washington. The majority has said this session was going to be about jobs and improving the economy. Well, where are the bills to help our economy, provide our employers some stability and help them put people back to work?
Instead, we spend nine hours waiting for them to twist arms and come to some sort of resolution on a background check bill that won’t get out of the Senate.
If you have the votes, let’s vote! If you don’t let’s move on. Unfortunately, being in the minority we do not control the floor agenda. Citizens need to take notice of how things are being run in the state House and the early actions by our governor. It’s not very encouraging.
House Democrats’ transportation tax plan
Since my last e-mail update majority Democrats in the House have announced a proposal to create a new, 10-cent per gallon gas tax. Washington drivers would pay the highest gas tax in the nation, more than doubling the state’s gas tax since 2003 if they get their wish.
When you include federal gas taxes, drivers in our state would pay 66 cents in combined state and federal taxes for every gallon of gasoline they purchase. The proposal isn’t just about increasing the gas tax. Apparently the Democrats think taxpayers have money hidden all over the place.
The Democrats also want to:
When it comes to our transportation system, I believe we need to fix it, before we fund it. We have a number of problems with our transportation system that we need to correct before we ask taxpayers for more money.
There are pontoon problems with 520 floating bridge, mitigation for shoreline appeals on that project alone topped $160 million before the Legislature intervened, our ferry system is not getting the biggest bang for the buck, and we are paying sales tax on transportation projects that goes into the state general fund.
Our caucus feels there are some reforms and accountability measures that need to be implemented before asking you, the taxpayers, to pay more. Are you willing to pay 10 cents more for a gallon of gas? Click here to take a survey and leave a comment for me if you’d like. Here is a summary of our reforms:
Creating jobs
· House Bill 1236 – improve the permitting process.
· House Bill 1619 – suspend GMA requirements in counties with persistently high unemployment.
Making state gas tax dollars go further
· House Bill 1985– eliminate state and local sales and use tax on new transportation projects.
Ensuring accountability
· House Bill 1986– require Washington State Department of Transportation to report engineering errors.
Protecting taxpayers
· House Bill 1984– limit Washington State Department of Transportation’s tort liability.
· House Bill 1989– 15-year bond terms, instead of the current 30-year bonding practice.
Freedom Agenda
I continue to fight on your behalf on issues that protect your freedoms, such as the freedom to keep and bear arms, the freedom to raise your children as you see fit, and the freedom to keep more of your own hard-earned money and claim your part of the American Dream.
Here are just a few examples of what we are working on:
Stopping the infringement of our rights to keep and bear arms – House Bill 1588 is the very bill the House Democrats tried to pass for nine hours. It would require background checks on all gun sales, even private sales, and does nothing to address those who are already violating firearm laws.
This bill goes against our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. It also goes against the Washington State Constitution, Article 1, Section 24: “The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired.” This bill did NOT make it out of the House before the cutoff date.
Preserve your freedom of privacy – We’re not going to stand by and let government peer into your windows or backyard using drones with high optic lenses. That’s why I jointly sponsored House Bill 1771, restricting the use of unmanned drones in Washington.
The measure would require approval from the Legislature or local governing body for local law enforcement agencies before public agencies could use drones and only with a search warrant, in an emergency, or forest fire.
This bill sailed out of the House Public Safety Committee by a vote of 12-1 and had wide support in the House. We suspect a major lobby effort by those who build drones kept it from what would have been a successful vote. However, we have brought attention to the issue.
Government accountability – House Bill 1093: State agencies frequently use your taxpayer dollars to lobby the Legislature for more of your taxpayer dollars. We passed a bill to stop government’s abuse against taxpayers.
This measure would impose a penalty of $100 per statement on a state agency director who knowingly fails to file lobbyist disclosure statements. It would also establish penalties against any state agency official, officer, or employee who is responsible for or knowingly spends public funds in violation of lobbyist restrictions.
This bill passed the House on 97-1. On to the Senate
We have reached another cutoff date. Wednesday was the final day for us to pass House bills over to the Senate, and the Senate pass bills to us in the House. We had many late nights and some weekend work.
The most interesting part of the House floor action occurred in the last couple days. On Tuesday we passed about eight bills before noon. Then, the wait began.
House Democrats were adamant in getting a background check bill passed for firearms purchases. They had told the press for two days the bill was coming and it was going to pass. However, they didn’t have the votes in their own caucus despite having a majority. (They may have even had a few votes from Republicans.)
After almost nine hours Democrats informed us we were adjourning for the night. We sat, and we waited, and we did vote on one bill, but that was it. Gov. Jay Inslee and Vice President Joe Biden were calling members trying to use their influence [to enact gun control] on both sides of the aisle.
Once again, the majority said we are passing this [gun control] bill and we are not voting on any other bills or addressing any other issues until we pass this measure. Keep in mind, the Senate has no intention of passing this bill anyway.
The governor has talked about regulatory reform and bringing jobs to Washington. The majority has said this session was going to be about jobs and improving the economy. Well, where are the bills to help our economy, provide our employers some stability and help them put people back to work?
Instead, we spend nine hours waiting for them to twist arms and come to some sort of resolution on a background check bill that won’t get out of the Senate.
If you have the votes, let’s vote! If you don’t let’s move on. Unfortunately, being in the minority we do not control the floor agenda. Citizens need to take notice of how things are being run in the state House and the early actions by our governor. It’s not very encouraging.
House Democrats’ transportation tax plan
Since my last e-mail update majority Democrats in the House have announced a proposal to create a new, 10-cent per gallon gas tax. Washington drivers would pay the highest gas tax in the nation, more than doubling the state’s gas tax since 2003 if they get their wish.
When you include federal gas taxes, drivers in our state would pay 66 cents in combined state and federal taxes for every gallon of gasoline they purchase. The proposal isn’t just about increasing the gas tax. Apparently the Democrats think taxpayers have money hidden all over the place.
The Democrats also want to:
- override I-695 and reinstate the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, or MVET. They are proposing a .7 percent tax which amounts to $140 increase in license fees for a $20,000 automobile;
- increase the weight fee by 15 percent for large vehicles. Cost to owners: $102 million;
- implement a fee of $25 for each bicycle purchased that is valued over $500. Cost to bicyclists: $1 million;
- increase the hazardous substance tax increase 0.3 percent. Cost to farmers and taxpayers: $897 million.
When it comes to our transportation system, I believe we need to fix it, before we fund it. We have a number of problems with our transportation system that we need to correct before we ask taxpayers for more money.
There are pontoon problems with 520 floating bridge, mitigation for shoreline appeals on that project alone topped $160 million before the Legislature intervened, our ferry system is not getting the biggest bang for the buck, and we are paying sales tax on transportation projects that goes into the state general fund.
Our caucus feels there are some reforms and accountability measures that need to be implemented before asking you, the taxpayers, to pay more. Are you willing to pay 10 cents more for a gallon of gas? Click here to take a survey and leave a comment for me if you’d like. Here is a summary of our reforms:
Creating jobs
· House Bill 1236 – improve the permitting process.
· House Bill 1619 – suspend GMA requirements in counties with persistently high unemployment.
Making state gas tax dollars go further
· House Bill 1985– eliminate state and local sales and use tax on new transportation projects.
Ensuring accountability
· House Bill 1986– require Washington State Department of Transportation to report engineering errors.
Protecting taxpayers
· House Bill 1984– limit Washington State Department of Transportation’s tort liability.
· House Bill 1989– 15-year bond terms, instead of the current 30-year bonding practice.
Freedom Agenda
I continue to fight on your behalf on issues that protect your freedoms, such as the freedom to keep and bear arms, the freedom to raise your children as you see fit, and the freedom to keep more of your own hard-earned money and claim your part of the American Dream.
Here are just a few examples of what we are working on:
Stopping the infringement of our rights to keep and bear arms – House Bill 1588 is the very bill the House Democrats tried to pass for nine hours. It would require background checks on all gun sales, even private sales, and does nothing to address those who are already violating firearm laws.
This bill goes against our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. It also goes against the Washington State Constitution, Article 1, Section 24: “The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired.” This bill did NOT make it out of the House before the cutoff date.
Preserve your freedom of privacy – We’re not going to stand by and let government peer into your windows or backyard using drones with high optic lenses. That’s why I jointly sponsored House Bill 1771, restricting the use of unmanned drones in Washington.
The measure would require approval from the Legislature or local governing body for local law enforcement agencies before public agencies could use drones and only with a search warrant, in an emergency, or forest fire.
This bill sailed out of the House Public Safety Committee by a vote of 12-1 and had wide support in the House. We suspect a major lobby effort by those who build drones kept it from what would have been a successful vote. However, we have brought attention to the issue.
Government accountability – House Bill 1093: State agencies frequently use your taxpayer dollars to lobby the Legislature for more of your taxpayer dollars. We passed a bill to stop government’s abuse against taxpayers.
This measure would impose a penalty of $100 per statement on a state agency director who knowingly fails to file lobbyist disclosure statements. It would also establish penalties against any state agency official, officer, or employee who is responsible for or knowingly spends public funds in violation of lobbyist restrictions.
This bill passed the House on 97-1. On to the Senate
Monday, March 11, 2013
Washington state gun registration update
Gun control advocates have until this Wednesday, March 13, to move House Bill 1588 out of the state House of Representatives.HB 1588 is sponsored by state Representative Jamie Pederson (D-43) and 37 other gun-grabbing representatives. As introduced, HB1588 would criminalize all unregistered private transfers of firearms.
There have been many alternative versions circulated in recent days and the final language is currently unknown.
It is almost certain that the language soon to be considered by the state House will require gun owners to go through a licensed dealer or law enforcement agency when transferring a firearm to a person who is not a concealed pistol license holder. These de facto registrations will involve fees, paperwork, potential delays, the probably the creation of a state permit to purchase a firearm. Later on there is the likelihood of state "sin" taxation on firearms ownership, and the requirement for personal records keeping on private firearm transactions.
This bill is a regulatory scheme that would create a huge burden for law-abiding citizens, would be ignored by criminals, and eventually be given teeth to make it "enforceable" against law-abiding citizens. 1588 is the first step to comprehensive statewide firearm registration!
House Bill 1588 has become the top priority of a new anti-gun advocacy group, the elitist organization Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR). WAGR, funded by a few millionaires in Seattle, is seeking to erode the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense, and is backed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Vice President Joe Biden is also reported making telephone calls to Washington state representatives in support of HB 1588.
The elitist Left is using Washington State to test their latest ideas on how to corrupt freedom and oppress the people. Please don't wait 'til we have to defend our freedom with force. Contact your state representatives and tell them to oppose HB 1588.
Update, March 14, 2013: HB 1588 died without being voted out of chamber. We private citizens and gun owners are safe from our state government, for now.
The Democrats are moving ahead with an "assault weapons" ban in the federal congress. We'll see.
There have been many alternative versions circulated in recent days and the final language is currently unknown.
It is almost certain that the language soon to be considered by the state House will require gun owners to go through a licensed dealer or law enforcement agency when transferring a firearm to a person who is not a concealed pistol license holder. These de facto registrations will involve fees, paperwork, potential delays, the probably the creation of a state permit to purchase a firearm. Later on there is the likelihood of state "sin" taxation on firearms ownership, and the requirement for personal records keeping on private firearm transactions.
This bill is a regulatory scheme that would create a huge burden for law-abiding citizens, would be ignored by criminals, and eventually be given teeth to make it "enforceable" against law-abiding citizens. 1588 is the first step to comprehensive statewide firearm registration!
House Bill 1588 has become the top priority of a new anti-gun advocacy group, the elitist organization Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR). WAGR, funded by a few millionaires in Seattle, is seeking to erode the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense, and is backed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Vice President Joe Biden is also reported making telephone calls to Washington state representatives in support of HB 1588.
The elitist Left is using Washington State to test their latest ideas on how to corrupt freedom and oppress the people. Please don't wait 'til we have to defend our freedom with force. Contact your state representatives and tell them to oppose HB 1588.
Update, March 14, 2013: HB 1588 died without being voted out of chamber. We private citizens and gun owners are safe from our state government, for now.
The Democrats are moving ahead with an "assault weapons" ban in the federal congress. We'll see.
Monday, March 4, 2013
I-1053 is overturned
Last Thursday, 6 of our 9 Supreme Court Justices threw out the part of the People's law, I-1053, that imposed a 2/3rds vote requirement on the legislature to pass tax increases. Washington State Supreme Court's decision makes it a lot easier for the legislature to raise our taxes. A coalition of lawmakers and "education groups" sued to overturn the will of the People.
Washington citizens can never again vote to impose this healthy check against over-taxation...at least not the way we have done so in the past.
Some politicians claim tax hikes are essential just to support basic services. It’s an outright lie. State revenue for the next budget is projected to be $2 billion more than in the last budget, yet politicians say it’s not enough. In fact, revenue has consistently increased over time. Washington State doesn’t have a revenue problem—we have a spending problem.
Now, the only way to reinstate the 2/3rds requirement is through a constitutional amendment.
We need your help to get our legislature even to consider it.
Please sign the petition.
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