Inslee repeats push for state capital gains income tax ( 770KTTH )
Jay Inslee is – once again – calling for a state capital gains income tax. Despite the IRS classifying it as such, Inslee insists that the capital gains tax is not a form of income tax.
Inslee also insists that the capital gains income tax would solve taxing inequality. Appearing on the Jason Rantz Show, Rep. Drew Stokesbary (R-Auburn) explains how Inslee’s claims are both misleading and irresponsible. Pointing out that Inslee has failed to produce “an original idea” during his eight years as governor, Stokesbury makes a case for how Republicans view the solution to taxing inequality.
“Everybody is taxed too much in this state and definitely the working class, and the solution to that isn’t to raise taxes on somebody else.” Instead, the solution is “to give a tax rebate to the working class who already pay too much as it is.”
Inslee and fellow West Coast governors approve Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (Seattle Times)
Earlier this year, Jay Inslee joined other Left Coast governors in a pact to require a vaccine be subject to political approval, independent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The agreement was nothing more than an attempt to undermine the Trump administration.
Of course, the Democrat governors only managed to create the appearance that government officials distrusted the vaccine itself.
Called the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup, Inslee announced that his pact authorized the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
Mr Trump lost the election. The vaccine – according to Inslee and his fellow Democrat governors – can now be distributed to the public.
State Commerce officials plan for “equity” in transportation policy (Washington Policy Center)
The state Department of Commerce is looking to “reduce or altogether eliminate people’s need to drive.”
As part of their attempt, Commerce officials are drafting a state energy strategy with the intent to move people and goods “more efficiently and equitably.”
As the Washington Policy Center points out, “Officials argue that vehicle emissions have disproportionate impacts on communities that live near highways, ports, rail, and other industrial areas.”
The answer – according to officials – is to reduce “vehicle miles traveled (VMT), or how much people drive.”
Despite disputing studies and evidence, state officials appear determined to move ahead with their plan to reduce VMT and “shift travel onto more efficient modes” – like public transit.
Officials go so far as to cite King County’s public transit as an example of the “most effective and lowest-cost strategy.”
The ridiculous assertion completely ignores Sound Transit’s notoriety for “spending astronomical amounts of public money on projects like light rail that yield low benefits.”
State associations warn against new taxes in 2021-23 operating budget (The LENS)
Jay Inslee’s 2021-23 operating budget includes spending increases and new taxes – including a state capital gains income tax.
Given the impacts of COVID-19 shutdowns, Inslee’s new tax proposals would deliver another hard blow to small businesses and struggling families across Washington.
Stakeholders are warning of the harmful impact of the new taxes.
Washington Hospitality Association President and CEO Anthony Anton said they have been the “hardest hit by the pandemic and the state’s response to it, which is why we’ve urged and will continue to urge Gov. Jay Inslee and the legislature to make relief for our industry an early priority in the 2021 session.”
Association of Washington Business (AWB) President Kris Johnson expressed disappointment over Inslee “proposing any tax increases at this time.”
Johnson said new taxes are “not only a potential roadblock to economic recovery, it’s not necessary” because our state’s budget has “steadily improved over the last several months, making it possible to balance the budget without raising taxes.”
Stop spending our money on your fantasies, Mr Inslee.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Olympia this week
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Tim Eyman has a tax hernia
Tim Eyman recently released information he gathered. State officials like Attorney General Bob Ferguson do not like Tim Eyman working for taxpayers and against them. Bob Ferguson has spread malicious narrative against Eyman. When Ferguson does that it takes money -- our tax money.
Mr Eyman says Mr Ferguson's investigation and litigation directed at Mr Eyman's legal activities has cost taxpayers $1,733,180.33 to date.
The press release added Mr Eyman has developed a hernia. Not a surprise considering the stress he must be under for the state government hating on him.
Mr Eyman is currently struggling against the elite Democrats planned income tax, and against the Democrats planned carbon tax.
State taxes have already increase 83%. Its time for the greedy state government to stop taking more of our money.
And lay off Mr Eyman and let him heal up.
Governor Jay Inslee's carbon tax is designed to tax us so we pay more to get to where we are going. No more freedom of movement unless we pay the tax.
This kinda reminds me of the medieval times when peasants were not allowed to travel somewhere else without their lord's permission. Serfs were effectively tied to the ground where they were born.
Sometimes I wonder and imagine if that is what High Lord Jay Enslee has in mind -- tying us to the ground. He and his Black Knight, Sir Bobble Ferguson, are pushing Washington state down that way.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Olympia this week
Inslee pushes for state capital gains income tax as part of budget proposal (Q13-EOX)
Jay Inslee is pushing for a new capital gains income tax and a tax on health insurers as part of his two-year, $57.6 billion budget proposal.
His proposal would drain the state’s rainy-day fund, amounting to $1.7 billion. But our revenues are still growing. And, in fact, state spending has increased around 85% since Inslee has taken office.
He will continue to take more of our money and give it to those who help him politically as long as we allow him to.
Inslee also claims a state capital gains income tax is not a form of income tax. His claim does not align with accepted tax law. Concerning the capital gains tax, the IRS states that “it is an income tax.” Capital gains “are treated as income under the tax code and taxed as such.”
If Inslee and his fellow Democrats pass a state capital gains income tax, the tax will face legal challenges. The state Constitution does not allow for an income tax.
State auditor: Employment Security Department failed to prevent massive fraud, shared “inaccurate numbers” (Puget Sound Business Journal)
In a new report, the office of State Auditor Pat McCarthy found that Washington state’s Employment Security Department (ESD) had “inadequate internal controls to prevent the massive unemployment insurance benefit fraud” that targeting our state in spring 2020. Further, the ESD reported “inaccurate numbers” concerning the fraud, including “how much taxpayers money was lost and recovered in the thefts.”
According to the report, ESD officials “paid out more fraudulent claims than they admitted, and recovered almost $100 million less than they said they did.” The state auditor also slammed the Inslee-controlled budget office for failing to “explicitly note the vast fraud and its financial impact on its own audited financial statements.” One wonders if Inslee was personally benefitting from the fraud.
ESD officials have yet to face any consequences for the massive failure.
Inslee proposes low carbon fuel standard, increasing gas tax (Seattle Times)
Jay Inslee revealed his latest attempt to increase all our energy taxes with his plan for a low carbon fuel standard and a cap on greenhouse-gas emissions.
House GOP Minority Leader Rep. J.T. Wilcox pointed out that Inslee’s low carbon fuel standard would mean a higher gas tax for hardworking Washington families. Wilcox said, “So often the people that can least afford it are paying the biggest price.”
State officials admit that Inslee’s new low carbon fuel standard could increase the cost of gas by 46 – 63 cents per gallon.
According to Todd Myers of the Washington Policy Center, Inslee’s push “continues the trend of proposing costly and ineffective strategies that focus more on political special interests than responsible environmental stewardship.”
Democrats allow stunning lawlessness in Seattle (KOMONEWS)
Leftist-activist-gangsters have established a second version of the deadly, “summer-of-love” Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).
The gangsters have taken over an “abandoned yellow house on 11th Avenue and East Denny Way.” Meanwhile, across the street, Antifa and other agitators have built a make-shift barricade to “prevent homeless men and women from receiving shelter from the city.”
KOMO News released a 90-minute documentary called, “Fight for the Soul of Seattle” that highlights the shocking mismanagement and corruption that plagues Seattle, resulting in harm to residents and business closures.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Washington state COVID death count exaggerated.
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently announced it will subtract hundreds of deaths from its count of COVID-19 fatalities as a result of methodological improvements.
However, while the changes are welcome, the Freedom Foundation’s analysis indicates they may still not be enough to correct continued deficiencies in DOH’s reporting of deaths due to COVID-19.
Combining several data sources obtained from DOH, the Freedom Foundation has compiled and analyzed the cause of death information from the death certificates of the nearly 2,000 fatalities DOH had attributed to COVID-19 as of early September.
The analysis shows that 170 death certificates contained no reference to COVID-19. Another 171 only reference COVID-19 as a possible “contributing factor” and not part of the causal chain of events leading to death. Dozens of other death certificates indicated that deaths attributed by DOH to COVID-19 had only a questionable or minimal connection to the virus.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Olympia this week
Inslee extends restrictions on small businesses into next year (Seattle Times)
Jay Inslee announced his latest restrictions on small businesses will be extended for three weeks – that means they will stay in place through the holidays and into the new year.
House and Senate Republicans released a joint statement opposing Inslee’s decision. The statement reads, “It’s very disappointing to see someone who has been drawing a government salary through this entire hardship ordering small businesses to continue complying with restrictions that are making it hard or impossible for them to feed their families. The governor has no idea the anguish and desperation average people are feeling right now.”
Business leaders are also expressing their opposition to Inslee’s latest order. Anthony Anton, president and CEO of the Washington Hospitality Association, stated, “This extended shutdown will decimate the hospitality industry, with no evidence to support that shutting our industry down works to control the spread of the virus.”
Yakima Valley gym owner contests COVID fine and wins (Yakima Herald)
According to a state industrial appeals judge, the owner of Anytime Fitness owner in the Yakima area does not have to pay fines – $9,639 and $28,917 – imposed by the state Department of Labor & Industries for violating of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.
The judge ruled that the state L&I failed to show sufficient evidence that “Anytime Fitness employees were in risk of exposure to COVID-19 when locations in Yakima, Selah and Union Gap were open in violation of Safe Start, the state’s reopening plan.”
L&I has 20 days to appeal the decision. The gym’s attorney says he “welcomed the opportunity to show further that L&I could not prove its case” against his client.
WA Department of Health misses COVID tracking target by 84% (Washington Policy Center)
"They are doing better than they expected...."
The Washington State Department of Health’s (DOH) only contacted 6% of people who tested positive for COVID-19 as part of their attempt to contract trace to help prevent further spread. The DOH’s self-imposed goal is 90%.
Despite the embarrassing failure, officials insist that “they are doing better than expected, considering the most recent surge and staffing levels.”
Washington Policy Center’s Todd Myers put it, “We can be certain that as long as the Washington State Department of Health Considers missing its own target by more than 90% ‘better than expected,’ we cannot rely on their efforts to effectively limit the spread of the coronavirus.”
Seattle police officers continue to leave at high rates (770KTTH)
The mass exodus of police officers from the Seattle Police Department (SPD) continues. Another 33 officers left since the beginning of November.
With Seattle Democrats defunding the SPD, morale is understandably low among police officers. More officers are expected to leave by early next year – a high number of officers have applied to law enforcement agencies outside of Seattle.
Officers are dealing with frequent assaults and rising crime rates – including a 12-year high homicide rate (KING5).
Seattle Police Officer’s Guild President Officer Mike Solan cites the “nonsensical agenda” of the “activist mob” for pushing the officers out and warns crime will get worse.
Unfortunately, Seattle Democrats have sided with the activist mob’s nonsensical agenda.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Freedom Foundation statement on Gov. Jay Inslee’s freshly extended shutdown
“Jay Inslee continues to out-do himself by now trying to cancel Christmas and New Years for millions of families and businesses,” said Aaron Withe, national director of the Freedom Foundation, which has filed numerous suits in Washington and other states where it has offices in response to over-reaching COVID regulations. “His actions are straight from the Grinch’s playbook.”
“Businesses across Washington are continuing to suffer,” he continued, “and many are closing because Inslee and his cronies continue to play politics with their lives and dreams. The toll these unnecessary, unscientific and unconstitutional edicts have had on Washingtonians is far worse than COVID has or will ever have.”
The Freedom Foundation's entire statement
From the official Safe Start updates
"Gov. Inslee yesterday announced a three-week extension of the state’s current restrictions which will now be in place until Jan. 4, 2021.
"The three-week extension of statewide restrictions comes as the state’s healthcare system nears dangerous occupancy levels. With the effects of Thanksgiving on infection and hospital numbers still unknown, the extension will grant the state’s medical system much needed time to increase Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity before it’s overwhelmed.
"An overview of the restrictions is available here (link). For all businesses and activities not addressed here (another link to the same material), previous phase guidance still applies."
Monday, December 7, 2020
Olympia Weekly
Inslee's latest restrictions will kill more jobs and small businesses during holiday season (Newsweek)
Jay Inslee announced another round of harsh restrictions amid a “third wave” of COVID-19 cases in Washington State.
Once again, Inslee has shut down restaurants and bars, only allowing take-out and outdoor seating – in the dead of winter. Businesses from gyms to movie theaters are all shut down.
Inslee’s restrictions are not based on all the available science and data. For example, less than one percent of COVID-19 cases were traced to restaurants in Pierce, Walla Walla, and Clark Counties.
The president of the Washington Hospitality Association warned that the latest restrictions would kill 100,000 jobs statewide.
Indeed, the shutdowns will crush businesses just as many began to recover following the previous shutdown – and, no less, during the holiday season.
We need to protect the most vulnerable. We need to use all available science and data. We need to use targeted and uniformly applied restrictions. And we need to enlist people to help us and put our trust in them to do so.
WA Democrats push income tax as "employer compensation tax" (Washington Policy Center)
Democrats are circulating drafts for an “employer compensation tax” imposed on “employers engaging in business.” The draft currently exempts small businesses from the tax – but defines small businesses as “any business that reports annual compensation expense of no more than seven million dollars in the immediately preceding tax year.”
Behold the incrementalism.... They start at 7 million. Next year it will be six million, and then five.... How soon will they apply the income tax toall of us?
The draft also states that the “employer may not make any deductions from the employees’ compensation to pay for this tax.” As the Washington Policy Center’s Jason Mercier points out, by placing the tax burden on businesses and banning deductions, the proposal “attempts to thread the needle to avoid imposing a constitutionally prohibited graduated income tax.”
Indeed, given the proposal also targets self-employed individuals along with all business types, the proposal looks like an income tax.
Inslee shortlisted as Biden's climate advisor (E&E News)
Jay Inslee is named among the candidates for Joe Biden’s domestic climate adviser. Only two other candidates are considered top prospects, including former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) and Ali Zaidi, New York’s deputy secretary for energy and environment. Other candidates include John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff, and former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.
While running for a third term, Inslee promised he would not leave his position as governor for a place in a Biden administration. Of course, in order to get elected, Inslee also promised never to raise taxes --- we know how that worked out.
State officials release COVID-19 vaccine plans (My Northwest)
Washington state officials have provided plans on how the COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed.
- The first round of vaccines – Phase 1A – will be given to “high risk workers in health care settings and high risk first responders.”
- The next round of vaccines – Phase 1B – will be handed out to “all people over 65 years of age, and people with underlying conditions that put them at ‘significantly higher risk.'”
- Phase 1C will include “critical workers at high exposure, including those working in K-12 child care, critical infrastructure, law enforcement, and agriculture.”
- Phase 2 will include “critical workers at a lower risk of exposure, non-essential workers at a high risk of exposure, people living in group homes and congregate facilities, and those with disabilities.”
- Phase 3 – the final phase – will “include young adults, children, and non-essential workers at low risk.”
There is no timeline established for each phase.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Freedom Foundation to Gov. Jay Inslee, You Need to Take a Step Back
Mike Knick, the owner of Graham Fitness in Washington, made the courageous decision to keep his gym open in spite of the state’s COVID-19 lockdown orders because he knows physical fitness is critical for maintaining a healthy body and sound mind.
But on Dec. 2, 2020, Washington Department of Labor & Industries made the very un-courageous decision to slap the business with an order and notice of immediate restraint, informing Knick that criminal penalties apply for non-compliance.
The order reads in part:
You are hereby directed to:
Cease operations that are prohibited by the Governor’s proclamation 20-25.6 until such time they are approved under the Governor’s Safe Start-Stay Healthy orders.
Pursuant to Governor Inslee’s order, only certain business activities may resume business activities, in order to protect the health and safety of workers and the public.
By being open for business, (Graham Fitness) presents a threat to the public health and safety of its customers and employees given the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in Washington State.
“The Freedom Foundation will continue to stand by these brave business owners against destructive government overreach by bureaucrats who haven’t had to miss a paycheck,” said Aaron Withe, Freedom Foundation National Director.
Knick explained, “We’ve been doing everything we can to just make it flourish and help our community and give our employees a living and make a living on the side for ourselves.
“They could fine me a million dollars a day,” he said. “What does it matter if my business is going to shut down if I shut down?”
“We’re not afraid,” Knick declared. “Gov. Jay Inslee, I think you need to take a big step back and look at all the damage you’re doing and all the people you’re hurting.”
Our laws are based on specific accusation. Mr Inslee has none here. Instead he appears to think that someone might infect someone else if
- a: Every person is ignorant about contagion (That depends on whether the Washington state-run public schools taught about contagion).
- b. Being sick is a crime.
- c. Spreading illness when sick is an criminal act of will instead of an innocent accident.
- d. Everyone can endure months of forced isolation without harm.
Mr Inslee must treat the people as if they were intelligent citizens rather than as menial subjects under his authority.There is no crime. But Inslee intends to punish people and ruin their livelihood. Inslee has us on the essential road to tyranny. Enforcement of Inslee's edicts essentially is the terror state.
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