Inslee and the Democrats are trying to lock us down, claiming they are saving lives from COVID (Washington State Department of Health). Why can't we adults control our own lives, mindful that we have a responsibility not to recklessly endanger our neighbors?
Of course, enlightened advice is welcome. But where do the authoritarian Democrats get the idea they need to order us around?
So we are supposed to think that imprisoning people in the name of their health is morally better than the disease of authoritarian rule.
Can we compare the death rates due to a pandemic and authoritarian rule.
Lets examine the death rate due to the Spanish flu of 1917 to the death rate due to authoritarianism. Anti-freedom politics killed as many as the flu pandemic in the 20th Century. 50-56 million lives were lost in the war against authoritarianism in the WW2. About 50 million people died from the flu.
Conclusion: Authoritarianism like the Democrats are doing is just as dangerous to human life as natural disasters like Covid 19.
Friday, October 30, 2020
More phoney COVID restrictions
Monday, October 26, 2020
Olympia news this week
Taxes are high. Remember to vote (Washington Policy Center)
Democrats will be more emboldened to enact a state capital gains income tax during the 2021 legislative session. A capital gains tax is only a precursor to a general income tax. WashingtonsState does not have one of those, yet....
Talks about a state income tax continue to intensify – Jay Inslee is expected to include a state capital gains income tax as part of his 2021-23 budget proposal in December.
Given the stakes, it has never been more important to vote. Election Day is a mere one week away. Remember to vote and, once you mail your ballot, check its status by visiting, entering your name and birthdate, and clicking on the Ballot Status button.
Just a handful of votes can mean the difference between tax-control Republicans holding a state Senate seat or losing a seat. Losing state Senate seats will have severe consequences for the future of our state. Washington.
Inslee insists on new taxes in exchange for affordable car tabs (Washington Policy Center)
The Washington State Supreme Court struck down voter-approved Initiative 976, meaning the $30 car tab will not stand. Jay Inslee – a fierce opponent of the voter-approved measure – celebrated the decision.
However, Inslee did say he is “open to reforming the car tab system.” There is an important catch – Inslee would only consider reforms “in combination with a way to replace funds that would otherwise make it impossible for us to keep our bridges from falling in the rivers and potholes taking over I-5 and keeping our buses ready.”
In other words, Inslee will insist on spending whatever he wishes on whatever he wants, meanwhile holding highway maintenance hostage. In Inslee's world, affordable car tabs can be offset only with new taxes on hardworking Washingtonians. Does Governor Inslee care?
Kim Wyman reassured public of electoral security (My Northwest)
Washington State Secretary of State Kim Wyman confirmed that 25% of state voters already returned their ballots for the upcoming general election as of Wednesday.
Following an announcement by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, Wyman also released a statement warning of “foreign adversaries” who are “working around the clock to interfere in U.S. elections and undermine confidence in the electoral process.”
Secretary Wyman's office is working with the Federal Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to monitor threats and ensure electoral security.
Check your own voting status at the VoteWA website.
Record number of Seattle police officers quit (My Northwest)
Seattle Democrats’ blatant hostility toward police officers has resulted in severe consequences to public safety.
Seattle police officers are demoralized and harassed, and leaving their jobs in record numbers. Nearly 40 police officers left the Seattle Police Department in September – the average is usually 5 to 7 exits. The number of exits is expected to increase significantly by the end of the year.
Many officers cited the “total lack of respect and support” from Seattle Democrats as the reason for their departure.
With crime skyrocketing and police officers leaving, residents and business owners are “begging city leaders for help.”
Unfortunately, given Seattle Democrats’ disregard for basic public safety, that does not appear likely to happen.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Olympia report this week
State Supreme Court strikes down $30 car tabs (Seattle Times)
Nearly one year after voters passed the initiative, the Washington Supreme Court struck down I-976 to reduce car-tab taxes. The court’s decision means state and local car-tab taxes – including sky-high car tabs in counties like King County – will remain at current levels.
The court appears to have based their decision on the anti-democracy belief that voters are not smart enough to read the initiative and understand it properly. Voter passed I-976 with about 53% of the vote statewide.
Republican Sen. Steve O’Ban plans to introduce legislation to make the $30 car tab a reality during the 2021 legislative session.
$30 car tabs would be good for the people and in line with the peoples' voting, so Good Luck! with that.
State spending to increase by 20% from 2017-19 (Washington Policy)
According to the Washington Policy Center’s Jason Mercier the current revenue forecast indicates state spending “will still be substantially higher than the 2017-19 budget.” With a current 2019-21 budget at $53.7 billion, forecasts project a 20% increase in spending ($9 billion) from the 2017-19 budget of $44.7 billion.
Even with a $2 billion reduction in spending to balance the state budget, “state spending would still be increasing by 16% from 2017-19 levels. Taxes are going to increase.
Of course, Jay Inslee and Democrats refuse to convene a special session despite the pressing problem they created with their out-of-control tax-and-spend approaches. But, as Mercier points out, with smart budgeting tactics, all hope is not lost.
Report calls state’s Employment Security Department a “failure” (My Northwest)
Working Washington – a left of center group – agrees that the state Employment Security Department (ESD) is a bureaucratic failure in a new report.
Bureaucratic incompetence has resulted in 20,000 people still waiting to see if they qualified for unemployment benefits.
With so many out of work due to COVID-19 shutdowns, many Washingtonians have been struggling to meet day-to-day expenses.
Their struggles have been made worse by months long incompetence by the state Employment Security Department (ESD).
Of course, the ESD has yet to face any accountability for losing hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to preventable fraud.
It remains unlikely that Jay Inslee and his fellow Democrats will lift a finger to address major issues exhibited by the Employment Security Department government agency.
Attacks on Seattle police officers intensify (My Northwest)
The Seattle Police Department (SPD) has arrested a suspect who set fire to a police vehicle while an officer was still inside. The officer was transported to Harborview Medical Center with non-life-threatening burns.
It’s clear that – due to Democrats’ disrespect of law enforcement – criminals are emboldened to attack police officers openly.
Of course, Seattle Democrats have already defunded the SPD. Their plan reduces the force by 100 police officers, cuts wages, and even eliminates Navigation Teams, resources dedicated to managing and assisting the homeless population.
Democrats & Socialists’ move to defund the police occurred despite severe shortages in police resources.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Washington State imPolite ballot recommendations
America's free and open elections are part of the promise of this country. We ought to cast our ballot carefully and wisely.
We the People have the right to hold political opinion that may vary from our leaders. We have the right to assemble and freedom of the press so we can make our opinion heard. We have the right to be armed so we can protect ourselves from those who might clamp down on our freedom. Tolerance of dissent is required.
The election process is far neater than the alternative of mob rule. Free elections are better than a totalitarian election, which are no choice at all.
We must guard against believing in our elected leaders too much. Candidates who offer bliss and love cannot possibly be able to deliver. Evaluate your candidates carefully.
We have. Washington State Impolite recommends these votes:
State Election
Loren Culp, for Governor. To work for the People, not Jay Inslee's special interests.
Joshua Freed, write-in for Lieutenant Governor. To stop raising taxes, help those afflicted by drug addiction and focus on trade and economic development
Matt Larkin, for Attorney General. To keep our communities safe. Bob Ferguson has done a lousy job.
Kim Wyman, for Secretary of State. Incumbent : She has 27 years of integrity keeping election results secure.
Duane Davidson, for State Treasurer. Incumbent: Davidson has a long career as a public treasurer and government financ.
Chris Leyba, for Auditor. Leyba has 11-year experience as police detective and law enforcement auditor
Maia Espinoza, for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Washington State must act now for genuine innovation in public education.
Sue Kuehl Pederson, for Public Lands Commissioner. Pederson's qualifying experience includes Fisheries Biologist, UW, NOAA Fisheries, Army Corps of Engineers (WA, OR, AK); Power Manager, Grays Harbor PUD; Senior Power Analyst, Seattle City Light; Senior Environmental Analyst, Seattle City Light; Research Scientist/Publications Manager, BioSonics, Inc.
Washington State Supreme Court Judges
Impolite's recommends the replacement of the entire panel of incumbents judges on the Washington Supreme Court. But only two judgeships are contested, so only those have Impolite recommendations.
The full court reversed the People's decision to reduce car tabs (KING5), stating the People were "confused" about the meaning of the initiate. Thus the entire, existing panel took an intolerable position against democracy. According to them, we the People are confused by our own policies.
David Larson (not the incumbent) for Position 3
Richard Serms (not the incumbent) for Position 6
State Referendum
Reject R 90 ("reject" is a no vote) -- Protect children as young as Kindergarten from exposure to "comprehensive" sex education -- most five year olds are too young to comprehend. Sex education should not be taught to children younger than about 13 or 14 years.
There is more about R 90 at Ballotpedia. Also see the Courier-Herald editorial.
Other state ballot measures
Impolite is against pointless tax increases which seem designed only to increase misery on people.
Impolite urges that on Advisory Vote 32, S 32, the retail bag tax, be Repealed;
on Advisory Vote 33, heavy equipment rental tax be Repealed;
on Advisory Vote 34 the increase tax on Business and Occupancy be Repealed;
on Advisory Vote 35, the increased tax on aircraft production be Repealed. This increase in production taxes is probably the reason why Boeing is taking some aircraft production out of state. Bye-bye jobs.
The proposed constitutional amendment, SJR 8212, should be rejected. SJR 8212 would allow the state to own private assets via funds the private legislators in fact control. This is the clear path to corruption.
Federal Election
Donald J. Trump, incumbent. This is his list of promises made, & promises kept.
US House of Representatives
Jaime Herrera Beutler, for 3rd district, incumbent congresswoman.
Dan Newhouse, for 4th district, incumbent. President Trump recently signed Dan Newhouse's Bill to protect indigenous women
Jesse Jansen, for 8th district. Values of family, community, and hard work.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers, for 5th district. Incumbent and proven representative for Eastern Washington
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Democrats still won't debate
Democrats are trying to deny Washingtonians the time-honored opportunity to hear directly from them in a live debate.
First, Governor Jay Inslee refused to debate in person and now Kim Schrier is flat-out ignoring Jesse Jensen’s multiple attempts to schedule a debate.
We all know that a debate is the best way to stack up candidates’ visions and platforms so you can decide who best represents you before you cast your ballot – and after what we’ve seen from Democrats so far, I can’t say I am surprised they are afraid to defend their radical record.
We want safety and security, but Democrats want to defund the police.
We want transparency and limited government, but Democrats want to pass bills raising taxes in the middle of the night.
We want what’s good for our communities, but Democrats only want what’s good for them and their special interests.
-- Kyle Fischer
Monday, October 12, 2020
Olympia News this week.
Small businesses face 550% increase in employment security taxes -- to force jobs cut? (My Northwest)
This is truly bizarre Washington State government action. Washington state businesses face a possible five-fold increase in the standard unemployment taxes on employees’ wages. This will threaten jobs.
The Association of Washington Business (AWB) warned that the “burden will likely fall hardest on the small shops and restaurants that are already trying to dig themselves out of the COVID-19 hole.”
In fact, the amount small businesses pay in employment security taxes would multiply by 550%. With businesses across our state are struggling to stay alive, the AWB is asking Governor Jay Inslee to put CARES Act dollars into the Unemployment Trust Fund instead of raising unemployment taxes.
Unfortunately, Inslee has already said he has other plans for the CARES Act money ("screw the people").
Inslee lied about special session, gets needed fact-check (Seattle Times)
The Seattle Times documented Gov. Inslee lying about Washington state Republicans allegedly wanting to come into special session to cut health care.
Inslee used the lie to say he was justified not to call a special session. Actually, Republicans fully documented their special session plan and there was not a word about health care in it. And, as far as being “fully justified” for not calling a special session, WA state faces a $4B deficit. We need a special session to address this deficit.
After Inslee lied first to get elected Governor when he said he would not raise taxes, Inslee turned into a taxaholic not hardly able to turn down any proposed taxes. It would be best to get the legislature in before Inslee’s almost certain taxapalooza.
Inslee admits he lied, knew about CHAZ/CHOP (FOXNews)
During the first and only gubernatorial debate with Republican candidate Loren Culp, Jay Inslee contradicted his earlier claims on CHAZ – specifically, concerning when knew about the lawless takeover of several city blocks in Seattle.
Inslee made national news when he claimed during a June press conference, “That’s news to me, so I’ll have to reserve any comment about it. I have not heard anything about that.”
When questioned about his ignorance by debate moderator Brandi Kruse, Inslee claimed he “could not have been oblivious” to CHAZ because he “deployed the Washington State national guard.”
Pressed by Kruse, Inslee eventually admitted he lied saying, “Listen, I knew about CHOP. That’s why we had state troopers ready to respond at the city’s request.”
Inslee comes in last on governor performance ranking (KIRO Radio)
The Cato Institute released its annual report card on U.S. governors. Unsurprisingly, Inslee ranked number 50 in the nation.
Inslee’s dead-last ranking comes as a result of his obsession with increasing taxes, including imposing a “higher energy taxes, capital gains tax to raise a billion a year, tobacco tax that mainly lands on lower-income folks, [and a] Business and Occupation tax.”
According to the CATO Institute’s Chris Edwards, “On taxes and spending, Jay Inslee has been the worst governor in the United States for many years. It’s really unfortunate for Washington’s economy and for citizens.”
State Supreme Court throws out petition to recall Mayor Durkan (Seattle Times)
The Washington State Supreme Court ended an effort to recall Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan before the petition could move into the signature-gathering phase. The unanimous decision stated that charges presented against Durkan were “factually and legally insufficient.”
So, what were the charges? According to the Seattle Times, petitioners “blamed Durkan for the Seattle Police Department’s broad use of tear gas in early June, following widespread protests against police brutality and systemic racism.”
Meanwhile, Durkan has yet to face any accountability for the deadly, disastrous “Summer of Love” in Seattle’s CHAZ/CHOP.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Referendum 90 - sex ed for 5 year olds?
Referendum 90 would promote sexualized teaching to children as young as Kindergartners. The somewhat confusing ballot measure in Washington State will directly impact the safety and well-being of school children (FPI).
Back in March, the Washington State Senate voted to mandate comprehensive sex education for all public schoolers, starting in kindergarten, with explicit conversations about sexuality and sexual behavior to start in fourth grade.
Supporters said that, since kids are getting sex ed from the internet anyway, they might as well learn it in the classroom (The News Tribune). The confusion is that passing Referendum 90 would approve the sex-ed mandate.
So, Washington parents and anyone else who thinks 10-year-olds should not be taught a so-called “LGBTQ-inclusive” sex ed curriculum, should vote no on Referendum 90.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Special session needed to deal with financial mess
Legislative Republicans are calling for a special session to address the impacts of Boeing's departure and to talk about the priority of getting kids back to school.
With Boeing’s recent announcement that they will, in fact, be moving their 787 Dreamliner production to South Carolina, please join us to discuss the implications that this will have on our state, as well as continue the discussion on the growing back to school concerns during COVID-19.
How Boeing’s move will be detrimental to the Everett community and Washington’s economy as a whole.
How to go about helping the 1000+ people who will lose their jobs in these already trying times.
Why Governor Inslee bears part of the responsibility due to lack of willingness to make Washington a more business-friendly environment.
Why our aerospace industry is at risk and Inslee mugged the taxpayers to further his own agenda.
What we need to do to reassure the companies that we still have, not to follow suit.
How we will go about filling the gaps with other business opportunities in WA.
Further discuss parents’ concerns with getting their children back to school, childcare, homeschooling, access to internet, etc.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Olympia news this week
Boeing will relocate all production of the 787 Dreamliner from Everett to South Carolina starting in 2021. Boeing’s decision to move comes after more than a decade of assembling the Dreamliner in Snohomish County.
Stan Deal, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, stated, “As our customers manage through the unprecedented global pandemic, to ensure the long-term success of the 787 program, we are consolidating 787 production in South Carolina.” South Carolina’s business-friendly environment offers further incentive for the move. Washington Democrats’ consistent threats to raise taxes – and introduce new taxes – and uncontrolled unrest creates a volatile environment for businesses like Boeing.
The loss of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner delivers another blow to the state’s budget shortfall, making a special session more critical than ever before. According to the Seattle Times, Jay Inslee reacted bitterly to the news and Snohomish County Democrat leaders called his comments “divisive.”
Domestic violence homicides nearly doubles in King County from previous year [KUOW]
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, the number and severity of domestic violence cases nearly doubled in comparison to 2019.
Tragically, 13 people have died due to domestic violence homicide. The Bellevue Police Department reports a 28% increase in felony domestic violence cases from the previous year. The Seattle Police Department has experienced a 21% increase domestic violence reports since the pandemic.
Meanwhile, Democrats are pushing to “defund the police.” Instead, Democrats want to send social workers into dangerous domestic violence situations – notably nearly 40% of police officer deaths occur during domestic violence calls.
Seattle successfully defunded the SPD, leading to a significant loss of police officers. After already eliminating millions from their budget, Democrats on the King County Council are pushing to defund the King County Sheriff’s Office via two charter amendments – voters will decide this November.
Employment Security Department moves to resolve unemployment appeals after public backlash [MyNorthwest]
Jay Inslee’s Office claims that the number of people waiting on unemployment appeals at the state Employment Security Department (ESD) went from 20,000 to 4,000 last month.
A nonprofit is suing the ESD for people denied unemployment for months without receiving updates on their appeals. According to attorneys, ESD’s recent shift action appears to be the result of increased public scrutiny. One attorney stated that the ESD Commissioner Susan LeVine “did not perform her duty and the hardship was born by hardworking eligible claimants… financial catastrophe was born by ESD and the impacts have been grave for so many, it is unconscionable.”
The ESD has yet to face any accountability for massive failures, including a preventable security breach that lost hundreds of millions and jeopardized the identities of thousands. Democrats are afraid to discipline Levine as she has been a massive fundraiser for Inslee, Senate Democrats and other left-wing candidates. Money talks. Accountability walks.
Snohomish County Democrat calls for physical attacks on law enforcement [770KTTH]
On her Facebook account, Democrat Snohomish County Council member Megan Dunn posted a “good reminder” to use Molotov cocktails as attacks on law enforcement surge. Dunn deleted the post after facing public backlash.
The Everett Police Officers Association (EPOA) called on Dunn to apologize and resign. EPOA stated, “Promoting violence/murder against our LE professionals and destruction of our communities is NOT acceptable from anyone. It is a crime.” Dunn’s shocking attack is the latest example of Washington Democrats’ hostility toward law enforcement.
The King County Executive Dow Constantine will defund the King County Sheriff’s Office by $6.2 million. Approximately 30 deputies will lose their jobs. About 100 police officers will lose their jobs as a result of defunding the Seattle Police Department.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Icky Inslee's Maggot
Jay Inslee brought maggot-infested homegrown apples to families impacted by wildfires in Douglas County. By transporting apples from maggot-infested Western Washington to a maggot-free agricultural zone, Inslee broke the law. (Seattle PI)
The Chelan-Douglas Horticultural Pest and Disease Board is now taking quick action, looking to locate Inslee's maggot-infested apples to prevent an infestation. County officials stated, "Apple Maggots are an incredibly serious pest and could have dire consequences for the orchardists of Douglas County if we are unable to find the infected apples and mitigate the effects immediately."
Inslee called the dire mistake a "good reminder of the importance of awareness around apple quarantine." To be clear, Washington produces 70% of the nation's apples. Our state's governor should be well aware of top agricultural concerns – especially when Douglas and Chelan counties have worked tirelessly through the years to ensure the health of orchards.
Rather than pay attention to our state's challenges, Inslee prefers to squeeze himself into the national limelight. Between his embarrassing bid for President to his unproductive bickering with the President, Inslee doesn't have much time for the concerns of hardworking families in Washington state.
It's time to elect leaders who care – leaders who will hold Inslee accountable and protect our communities.
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