Monday, February 24, 2020
More taxes and restriction -- and screw election results.
The Democrats are in a mad dash to pass as many new taxes as they can, despite this
week's revenue
forecast projecting an
additional $1.5
billion in state
The state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council revealed tax collections will increase by about $606 million above previous projections. That is a total of $1.5 BILLION more in available revenue since the last legislative session.
Despite these increases, state Democrats already raised $1 BILLION in new taxes on businesses and appear determined to raise more taxes by the end of the 2020 legislative session. The Democrats greed is insatiable.
Democrats vote down $30 car tab legislation
Despite the election results on $30 car tabs (The people voted it into law) the Democrats judge-shopped, and had the election results thrown out. The Democrats clearly do not care about democratic election results.
Now, Republican Senator Steve O’Ban’s $30 car tab measure failed on the Senate floor. O’Ban joined KTTH’s Jason Rantz to discuss Democrats voting down his bill and future expectations for a $30 car tab.
O’Ban, calling the results “very disappointing,” compared Democrats’ actions to those taken when then-Governor Gary Locke called an emergency session and worked with Republicans and Democrats to enact a voter-approved $30 car tab which had been struck down by a King County judge.
In those days, the Democrats were concerned with abiding by the will of the voters – a perspective that does not exist today.
Bill to restore felons’ voting rights before sentence completion dies abruptly
Democrats’ legislation to restore the voting rights of convicted felons abruptly died during debate on the Senate floor. Senate Democrats, realizing they did not have the 25 votes needed to pass the measure, ended debate on their bill.
The Democrats’ controversial bill would have restored voting rights to felons before they completed their sentences. Democrat Sen. Patty Kuderer – the bill’s sponsor – is already vowing to re-introduce the bill again next year.
Senate Democrats want to make life harder for drivers across Washington State
If passed, Senate Bill 6586 would impose a mileage tax on electric, hybrid, and state-owned fleets by December 1, 2021. The Washington State Transportation Commission and state Department of Licensing (DOL) would implement the tax, a responsibility that would lead to a hike in administrative costs.
The state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council revealed tax collections will increase by about $606 million above previous projections. That is a total of $1.5 BILLION more in available revenue since the last legislative session.
Despite these increases, state Democrats already raised $1 BILLION in new taxes on businesses and appear determined to raise more taxes by the end of the 2020 legislative session. The Democrats greed is insatiable.
Democrats vote down $30 car tab legislation
Despite the election results on $30 car tabs (The people voted it into law) the Democrats judge-shopped, and had the election results thrown out. The Democrats clearly do not care about democratic election results.
Now, Republican Senator Steve O’Ban’s $30 car tab measure failed on the Senate floor. O’Ban joined KTTH’s Jason Rantz to discuss Democrats voting down his bill and future expectations for a $30 car tab.
O’Ban, calling the results “very disappointing,” compared Democrats’ actions to those taken when then-Governor Gary Locke called an emergency session and worked with Republicans and Democrats to enact a voter-approved $30 car tab which had been struck down by a King County judge.
In those days, the Democrats were concerned with abiding by the will of the voters – a perspective that does not exist today.
Bill to restore felons’ voting rights before sentence completion dies abruptly
Democrats’ legislation to restore the voting rights of convicted felons abruptly died during debate on the Senate floor. Senate Democrats, realizing they did not have the 25 votes needed to pass the measure, ended debate on their bill.
The Democrats’ controversial bill would have restored voting rights to felons before they completed their sentences. Democrat Sen. Patty Kuderer – the bill’s sponsor – is already vowing to re-introduce the bill again next year.
Senate Democrats want to make life harder for drivers across Washington State
If passed, Senate Bill 6586 would impose a mileage tax on electric, hybrid, and state-owned fleets by December 1, 2021. The Washington State Transportation Commission and state Department of Licensing (DOL) would implement the tax, a responsibility that would lead to a hike in administrative costs.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Gun Control - Resurrected Magazine Ban Scheduled for Hearing on Tuesday
After failing to pass bills to ban standard capacity magazines through the normal legislative process, anti-gun legislators playing procedural games have reintroduced this legislation as House Bill 2947, which is now scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 25th.
All NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to attend the hearing to express your disappointment to this procedural stunt and to voice your opposition to HB 2947. Also, please use the Take Action button below to contact members of the House Finance Committee. HB 2947 will be heard for a total of 45 minutes, with public testimony limited to 90 seconds per person.
Tuesday, February 25th at 8:00am
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Or use the NRA supplied link to take action:
House Bill 2947 includes much of the same language as the previous standard capacity magazine ban bills that failed to meet the crossover deadline. In order to bypass legislative rules, anti-gun legislators have added a “buy-back” provision in order to make this an appropriations bill that is not subject to the same deadlines. Additionally, the title of the bill has been changed in an effort to limit amendments on the floor.
As resurrected, House Bill 2947 bans the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of magazines that hold more than fifteen rounds of ammunition. It appropriates funds for the State Patrol to conduct a “buy-back.” Such turn-in events serve as nothing more than propaganda for gun control advocates while failing to promote public safety in any measurable way.
These limitations are strongly supported by the Governor and the Attorney General. So called “high capacity” magazines are in fact standard equipment for commonly-owned firearms that many Americans legally and effectively use for an entire range of legitimate purposes, such as self-defense or competition. Those who own non-compliant magazines prior to the ban are only allowed to possess them on their own property and in other limited instances such as at licensed shooting ranges or while hunting. Restricted magazines have to be transported unloaded and locked separately from firearms and stored at home locked, making them unavailable for self-defense.
Please plan to attend the committee hearing if you are able, and also contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE HB 2947.
All NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to attend the hearing to express your disappointment to this procedural stunt and to voice your opposition to HB 2947. Also, please use the Take Action button below to contact members of the House Finance Committee. HB 2947 will be heard for a total of 45 minutes, with public testimony limited to 90 seconds per person.
Tuesday, February 25th at 8:00am
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Or use the NRA supplied link to take action:
House Bill 2947 includes much of the same language as the previous standard capacity magazine ban bills that failed to meet the crossover deadline. In order to bypass legislative rules, anti-gun legislators have added a “buy-back” provision in order to make this an appropriations bill that is not subject to the same deadlines. Additionally, the title of the bill has been changed in an effort to limit amendments on the floor.
As resurrected, House Bill 2947 bans the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of magazines that hold more than fifteen rounds of ammunition. It appropriates funds for the State Patrol to conduct a “buy-back.” Such turn-in events serve as nothing more than propaganda for gun control advocates while failing to promote public safety in any measurable way.
These limitations are strongly supported by the Governor and the Attorney General. So called “high capacity” magazines are in fact standard equipment for commonly-owned firearms that many Americans legally and effectively use for an entire range of legitimate purposes, such as self-defense or competition. Those who own non-compliant magazines prior to the ban are only allowed to possess them on their own property and in other limited instances such as at licensed shooting ranges or while hunting. Restricted magazines have to be transported unloaded and locked separately from firearms and stored at home locked, making them unavailable for self-defense.
Please plan to attend the committee hearing if you are able, and also contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE HB 2947.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Monday's list of the dominant party's legislative abuse.
King County Judge delivers blow to Seattle, King County in $30 car tab challenge
In a new ruling, a King County Superior Court Judge rejected the core arguments claiming I-976 – the $30 car tab measure – is unconstitutional, delivering a blow to the mostly Democrat plaintiffs including the City of Seattle and King County. The judge struck down all but two issues with the $30 car tab measure. An injunction on I-976 will remain in place until additional discovery on the remaining two claims is completed. In the Legislature, Republican House and Senate members including Senators O’Ban and Fortunato continue to fight for $30 car tabs.
State Supreme Court sides with Sound Transit on overvalued car tabs
The Washington State Supreme Court sided with Sound Transit in an important ruling this week. In a 7-2 decision, the court held the argument made by Sound Transit that a 2015 act passed by the Legislature permitting higher transit taxes was constitutional due to proper citation of laws from the 1990’s explaining the calculation of car-tab taxes. The decision means Washingtonians will continue to high car tabs based on Sound Transit’s severely overestimated vehicle evaluations unless the Legislature or I-976 can provide relief. This case is separate from the $30 car-tab lawsuit in the courts currently.
Democrats, King County Judge side with unconstitutional Title Only bills
Democrats in the state legislature blocked all bills seeking to reform the abuse of Title Only bills, refusing to even hold public hearings on the measures. Title Only bills are Washington State legislation that exists as a bill title only. Yes, Gentle Reader: Our state legislature has enacted bills that are a title only, and have no text. All vapor and no subsistence, or worse, the text of the new law is written after it has been enacted. Talk about abuse of power....
A King County Superior Court followed-up Democrats’ show of disrespect toward government transparency by rejecting a legal challenge to Title Only bills. Essentially, the judge agreed with Democrats and the state Attorney General that lawmakers are permitted to use blank bills to circumvent the state constitution and severely limit government transparency and accountability.
Sen. Brown evaluates Democrats’ tax hike obsession
State Senator Sharon Brown (R-Kennewick) evaluates Democrats’ series of new and higher tax proposals in a new video. The first bill passed by both legislative houses and signed into law by Jay Inslee was a tax hike on business owners. Additional taxes pushed by Democrats include a new carbon tax, higher gas taxes, a “low carbon fuel standard” (essentially, an additional 57 cents per gallon gas tax which builds no roads). Democrats continue to push for these tax hikes despite record revenue growth.
There is a video
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature Floor Vote, Others Scheduled
A Washington State, self-defense rights update by the National Rifle Association
This week, several anti-gun bills received
floor votes and passed out of their respective chambers. Additionally,
two bills have now been pulled from the House Rules Committee and are
eligible for a vote at any time.
Please contact your Representative and ask them to oppose House Bills 2240 and 2623!
The following two bills have been pulled from Rules Committee and are awaiting a floor vote:
House Bill 2240 bans
the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of magazines that
hold more than fifteen rounds of ammunition. This bill is strongly
supported by the Governor and the Attorney General. These so called
“high capacity” magazines are in fact standard equipment for
commonly-owned firearms that many Americans legally and effectively use
for an entire range of legitimate purposes, such as self-defense or
competition. Those who own non-compliant magazines prior to the ban are
only allowed to possess them on their own property and in other limited
instances such as at licensed shooting ranges or while
hunting. Restricted magazines have to be transported unloaded and locked
separately from firearms and stored at home locked, making them
unavailable for self-defense. Anti-gun legislators are attempting to bring HB 2240 up for a floor vote on Sunday.
House Bill 2623 prohibits
an individual from possessing firearms if they are convicted of the
misdemeanor crime of unlawful aiming or discharge of a firearm. This
poorly conceived legislation even applies to airguns and slingshots and
has no exception for an individual aiming or discharging a firearm for
self-defense purposes in a location that would have otherwise not been
The following bills received a floor vote and passed out of their respective chambers:
Senate Bill 5434 passed
by a 27-20 vote. It increases prohibited areas where law-abiding
citizens cannot possess firearms, including CPL holders carrying for
self-defense. The bill extended “gun-free zones” to public parks,
libraries, and child care centers before being amended to only apply to
child care centers. In addition to leaving law-abiding citizens
defenseless against criminals who ignore arbitrary boundaries, the bill
requires child care centers to publicly indicate they are “gun-free
zones” by posting signs outside the facilities.
House Bill 2622 passed
by a 56-42 vote. It modifies Washington’s existing firearm surrender
provisions for individuals subject to a court order. This bill compels a
respondent to appear and provide proof on how and to what extent they
complied with the surrender order. This is a serious encroachment on the
right against compelled self-incrimination in any criminal, civil, or
other government proceedings. Failure to appear results in the
individual being in contempt of court, thereby putting the individual in
a no-win situation.
House Bill 2305 passed
by a 55-42 vote. It imposes a mandatory firearm prohibition for
respondents of a Vulnerable Adult Protective Order. This order, which
removes someone’s Second Amendment rights for up to 5 years, requires no
criminal convictions or even charges. Due process limits restrictions
on constitutional rights to only serious convictions and adjudications
that provide procedural protections to the accused, which results in
more reliable proceedings. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms should not be
treated as a second-class right and should only be restricted when
sufficient protections are in place.
Additionally, the House voted to pass House Bill 2467 by
a vote of 66-32. HB 2467 directs Washington State Patrol to create a
centralized state system for all firearm transfers to allow firearm
dealers to submit information electronically and receive feedback
instantaneously. This bill was introduced by a bipartisan group of
legislators who have recognized that background checks in Washington
have imposed excessive delays on gun owners. Background checks for
handgun transfers are done in an archaic manner by mail to local law
enforcement, who are tasked with manually checking databases. CPL
holders previously were able to avoid the archaic check for handguns and
instead were allowed to go through the federal NICS as a courtesy,
which provided instant feedback. That exemption ceased in July, 2019.
The enactment of I-1639 also added transfers of semi-automatic rifles to this system, with the addition of an $18 fee. Though this archaic background check has a ten day waiting period to allow for completion, these factors, along with I-594 requiring background checks on all transfers, has resulted in ever increasing strain on this system, creating delays that drag out up to 30 days. Unfortunately, there will be a fee attached to the background check, which has been capped at $18 per transaction. While the exact fee has not been set, your NRA remains committed to reducing or eliminating fees to exercise Second Amendment rights and is working with legislators to allocate funds to ultimately reduce costs and delays for everyone involved.
The enactment of I-1639 also added transfers of semi-automatic rifles to this system, with the addition of an $18 fee. Though this archaic background check has a ten day waiting period to allow for completion, these factors, along with I-594 requiring background checks on all transfers, has resulted in ever increasing strain on this system, creating delays that drag out up to 30 days. Unfortunately, there will be a fee attached to the background check, which has been capped at $18 per transaction. While the exact fee has not been set, your NRA remains committed to reducing or eliminating fees to exercise Second Amendment rights and is working with legislators to allocate funds to ultimately reduce costs and delays for everyone involved.
February 19th at 5:00pm is the deadline for all bills to pass out of the chamber of origin. Multiple gun bills are expected to move in the next few days, so please continue to check at for updates on Second Amendment legislation in Washington.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Hold onto your wallets folks.
Jay Inslee and the Olympia Democrats are coming for more of your money.
Inslee just signed ESSB 6492 into law which repeals and replaces a law enacted last year that hikes business & occupation (B&O) taxes 17.5% on businesses to supposedly fund free or reduced college tuition for low- or median-income students. The reason for the new bill is that the one passed last year didn’t take enough money from targeted businesses to fund the program.
The Democrats “supposedly fund” an educational program. This is a common trick of the Democrats. They find a popular cause—often involving children—and then they propose a new tax to fund it. If they truly thought the cause was a priority they would prioritize spending and fund it. Instead the Democrats handed out $2.5 BILLION dollars to campaign supporters behind closed doors and took that money off the table when it could have been used for valuable programs like this. They just wanted it as a poster child for a new tax to take more money out of your wallet.
The bill repeals a three-tiered business and occupation tax passed by Democrats last year. For most businesses, the bill replaces the tax with a 1.75% rate. This is a 17% increase on what they are currently paying. 17% on doctors. 17% on veterinarians. 17% on all services covered by the tax. This will no doubt mean businesses passing this increased burden onto you and me in the form of higher prices.
Democrats could have easily funded this program with the already existing, higher-than-expected tax revenues that the state is collecting. But Democrats are so addicted to raising taxes that they just can’t seem to help themselves. Tax craziness is the Democrat way of life.
In 2012, then candidate for governor, Inslee repeatedly promised to veto any tax increase. As Governor, he's raised taxes 29 times costing us $50.3B and yet he's still pushing for carbon taxes, income taxes, and pay-per-mile taxes. Lying about taxation is also the Democrat way of life.
It is critical that Republicans regain the majority in the state Senate this year so that we can stop the madness.
And hold onto your car keys
Democrats seek ban on gas-powered cars
Democrats in Olympia introduced HB 2515 that would ban the sale and registration of gasoline powered cars by 2030.
The bill’s primary sponsor – Democrat Rep. Nicole Macri – admits that when she first proposed the idea one year ago, she received negative feedback. The idea fit into the “fringe crazy bill category.” Apparently, a lot has changed in one year.
The bill is co-sponsored by seven different Democrat House committee leaders, including the “green committee, Energy and Environment; the money committee, Finance; and the economy committee, Innovation, Technology and Economic Development.”
Inslee just signed ESSB 6492 into law which repeals and replaces a law enacted last year that hikes business & occupation (B&O) taxes 17.5% on businesses to supposedly fund free or reduced college tuition for low- or median-income students. The reason for the new bill is that the one passed last year didn’t take enough money from targeted businesses to fund the program.
The Democrats “supposedly fund” an educational program. This is a common trick of the Democrats. They find a popular cause—often involving children—and then they propose a new tax to fund it. If they truly thought the cause was a priority they would prioritize spending and fund it. Instead the Democrats handed out $2.5 BILLION dollars to campaign supporters behind closed doors and took that money off the table when it could have been used for valuable programs like this. They just wanted it as a poster child for a new tax to take more money out of your wallet.
The bill repeals a three-tiered business and occupation tax passed by Democrats last year. For most businesses, the bill replaces the tax with a 1.75% rate. This is a 17% increase on what they are currently paying. 17% on doctors. 17% on veterinarians. 17% on all services covered by the tax. This will no doubt mean businesses passing this increased burden onto you and me in the form of higher prices.
Democrats could have easily funded this program with the already existing, higher-than-expected tax revenues that the state is collecting. But Democrats are so addicted to raising taxes that they just can’t seem to help themselves. Tax craziness is the Democrat way of life.
In 2012, then candidate for governor, Inslee repeatedly promised to veto any tax increase. As Governor, he's raised taxes 29 times costing us $50.3B and yet he's still pushing for carbon taxes, income taxes, and pay-per-mile taxes. Lying about taxation is also the Democrat way of life.
It is critical that Republicans regain the majority in the state Senate this year so that we can stop the madness.
Adapted from an email from
Johnny Alvarado
And hold onto your car keys
Democrats seek ban on gas-powered cars
Democrats in Olympia introduced HB 2515 that would ban the sale and registration of gasoline powered cars by 2030.
The bill’s primary sponsor – Democrat Rep. Nicole Macri – admits that when she first proposed the idea one year ago, she received negative feedback. The idea fit into the “fringe crazy bill category.” Apparently, a lot has changed in one year.
The bill is co-sponsored by seven different Democrat House committee leaders, including the “green committee, Energy and Environment; the money committee, Finance; and the economy committee, Innovation, Technology and Economic Development.”
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
2020 - probable gun bans and restrictions.
House Bill 2240 and Senate Bill 6077 ban
the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of magazines that
hold more than fifteen and ten rounds of ammunition respectively. These
limitations are strongly supported by the Governor and the Attorney
These so called “high capacity” magazines are in fact standard
equipment for commonly-owned firearms that many Washingtonians legally and
effectively use for an entire range of legitimate purposes, such as
self-defense or even competition. Those who own non-compliant magazines prior
to the ban are only allowed to possess them on their own property and
in other limited instances such as at licensed shooting ranges or while
hunting. Self defense is prohibited, contrary to our specific constitutional right.
Restricted magazines have to be transported unloaded and locked
separately from firearms and stored at home locked, making them
unavailable for self-defense. HB 2240 has been pulled from the Rules Committee and is now eligible to receive a floor vote at any time!
House Bill 1315 and Senate Bill 6294 each require
more, burdensome government red tape and further training to obtain a Concealed
Pistol License. Expensive & mandatory training requirements are yet another cost
prohibitive measure intended to ensure that lower income Americans are
barred from defending themselves.
Contact your legislator and let 'em know how you feel about the gun bills.
Contact your legislator and let 'em know how you feel about the gun bills.
Each of these bills are illegal. "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired" Washington State Constitution, Article 1, Section 23. The legislators who vote for these bills, and the governor who is expected to sign them, are doing it in contravention to our constitution. Vote them out.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Democrats push for felon vote (no foolin') & other stuff
Democrats push to re-establish voting rights to felons still serving sentences
Senate Democrats proposed a bill – SB 6228 – that would give voting rights to felons still serving their sentences. To be clear, the bill does not seek to restore voting rights after debts to society have been paid, but before. The bill would add 9,000 voters to the rolls by 2021. Democrats claim the “voting is an ‘important tool’ for a felon’s reintegration process.” However, as the News Tribune editorial board points out, “Voting isn’t a tool. It’s a right. And that right can be forfeited.”
Senate Democrat proposes pilot for “universal basic income”
Senate Democrats proposed a bill – SB 6228 – that would give voting rights to felons still serving their sentences. To be clear, the bill does not seek to restore voting rights after debts to society have been paid, but before. The bill would add 9,000 voters to the rolls by 2021. Democrats claim the “voting is an ‘important tool’ for a felon’s reintegration process.” However, as the News Tribune editorial board points out, “Voting isn’t a tool. It’s a right. And that right can be forfeited.”
Senate Democrat proposes pilot for “universal basic income”
State Sen. Joe
Nguyen (D-West
Seattle) introduced
legislation that
would create a pilot
program testing
“universal basic
income.” The program
would give $500 per
month to 500
Washingtonians for
two years. Sen.
proposes to pay for
the “gateway to
socialism” program
with a tax on
employers, not
employees. Of
course, that is not
true. Higher taxes
passed to consumers.
All Washingtonians
will pick up a tab
of $7 million
Senate Democrats pass increases on B&O taxes
Senate Democrats pass increases on B&O taxes
Last week, Senate
introduced about
two-dozen amendments
on SB 6492, a
bill that would
increase the
Business and
Occupation (B&O)
tax by $1 billion.
The tax increase
would impact
approximately 6,000
business owners
across the
state. Senate
Republicans proposed
amendments to exempt
many job creators
from the tax
increase, but the
amendments were
voted down. All
Senate Democrat
Caucus members voted
for the taxes. All
Senate Republicans
voted against them.
Sen. Steve O’Ban sponsors bill to combat mental illness
State Sen. Steve
O’Ban (R-University
Place) recently
introduced SB 6109,
a bill that
would allow courts
to assign a special
guardian to people
deemed to be
suffering from a
mental illness that
renders them
incapable of
their need for help.
Individuals who have
been referred for
commitment at least
five times over the
course of a 12-month
period would be
eligible for a court
appointed guardian.
If approved, O’Ban’s
bill would create a
pilot program in
Pierce, King, and
Snohomish counties.
Inslee's proposed 2020 supplemental budget link -- more stuff they wanna spend our money on.
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