Monday, January 13, 2020

Olympia plans assault on gun owners in 2020

The Washington State Legislature convened for its 2020 Legislative Session today, and anti-gun lawmakers have already scheduled a tentative public hearing on numerous gun control bills.  If you are able, please make plans to attend the Senate Law and Justice Committee hearing on Monday, January 20, at 10:00am.
While the agenda hasn’t been finalized, it is expected that the committee will hear the following anti-gun proposals:
Senate Bill 6077 seeks to ban the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of standard capacity magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition.  This restrictive measure is strongly supported by Governor Jay Inslee and the Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and would severely limit your ability to defend yourself in a self-defense situation.

Senate Bill 5434, sponsored by Senator Claire Wilson (D-30), would increase prohibited areas where law-abiding citizens cannot possess firearms, including CPL holders carrying for self-defense. The bill extended “gun-free zones” to public parks, libraries, and child care centers before being amended to only apply to child care centers. Anti-gun Senators can easily amend the bill to add more areas when it comes up for vote. Your voice is needed in this critical fight for our freedom and safety. 
CPL Red Tape Bill, while this bill has not yet been filed and given a number, it is expected to increase government red tape and training requirements in order to obtain a Concealed Pistol License. This will be a different bill than the carryover bill heard in 2019.

No politician who respects the People would ever try to complicate their right to be armed

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