Friday, January 24, 2020

Gun-rights elimination bills moving along

(Olympia WA) On January 23rd, the Washington Senate Law & Justice Committee approved three anti-gun bills, among them Senate Bill 6077 to ban most standard capacity magazines. This will affect all people who use the standard capacity magazine that came with their self-defense weapon if it holds more than 10 rounds.

This bill is now headed to the Rules Committee awaiting being pulled to the Senate floor. In addition, the House of Representatives passed House Bill 1010 to allow the state patrol to destroy confiscated firearms, clearing the way to send this 1010  to the Senate.  

These bills are part of the "Democrat Party's" far left's attempt to eradicate self-defense and freedom.

Please contact your state Senator and urge them to OPPOSE SBs 6077, 6294, and 6288, and HB 1010.  Washington State legislative districts.

Senate Bill 6077 bans the manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, etc. of standard capacity magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. This measure is strongly supported by the Governor and the Attorney General.
Senate Bill 6294 imposes government red tape and expensive training requirements to obtain a Concealed Pistol License.
Senate Bill 6288 creates an Office of Firearm Violence Prevention within the executive branch of state government. Governor Jay Inslee and his administration have already made it clear where they stand on Second Amendment issues—they routinely sponsor and support gun ban legislation and initiatives designed to disarm law-abiding citizens. This office would be nothing more than a tax-payer funded lobby group with the sole purpose of eroding self-defense rights in Washington.
House Bill 1010 passed the House by a vote of 56-42. It allows the Washington State Patrol to waste taxpayer dollars destroying confiscated firearms rather than sell them to raise funds.
In an out-of-character move, the committee also approved Senate Bill 6406. As amended, it provides that the theft of a firearm from a residence, shop, sales outlet, or vehicle is a Class B Felony. This bill rightly focuses on the illegal actions of criminals, instead of targeting law abiding gun owners.
Again, please contact your state Senator and ask them to OPPOSE SBs 6077, 6294, and 6288, and HB 1010.  Washington State legislative districts.

"The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired...."  --  Washington State Constitution, Article 1, Section 24

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