Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Washington state's new gun control laws summary

Unless Gov Inslee calls the  legislature back into session, the  they have concluded doing damage for the year.

HB 1143
Requirements for the Purchase or Transfer of Firearms
Provides that a dealer may not transfer any firearm to a purchaser or transferee until completion of a background check indicating the person is eligible to possess firearms and ten business days have elapsed since the dealer requested the background check. Additionally, prohibits a dealer from transferring a firearm to a purchaser or transferee unless the person provides the dealer with proof of completion of a recognized firearm safety training program. Finally, updates firearm transfer and background check processes, including updates to conform to implementation of a state firearms background check program.

House: 52 yeas,
44 nays
Senate: 28 yeas,
18 nays (Senate amended)
House: 52 yeas,
44 nays (House concurred)
HB 1240
Establishing Firearms-Related Safety Measures to Increase Public Safety
Prohibits the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale, or offer for sale of any assault weapon, subject to various exceptions for licensed firearm manufacturers and dealers, for individuals who inherit an assault weapon, for firearms dealers to sell or transfer their existing stock of assault weapons that were acquired prior to January 1, 2023, to outside of the state for the limited period of 90 days after the effective date. Further, provides a violation of these restrictions constitutes a gross misdemeanor and is actionable under the Consumer Protection Act

House: 55 yeas,
42 nays
Senate: 27 yeas,
21 nays (Senate amended)
House Refuses to Concur
Senate: 28 yeas,
21 nays (Senate amended)
House: 56 yeas,
42 nays (House concurred)
SB 5078
Duties of Firearm Industry Members Requires firearm industry members to establish, implement and enforce reasonable controls regarding the manufacture, sale, distribution, import, use, and marketing of the firearm industry members' firearm and firearm related products. Prohibits firearm industry members from creating or maintaining a public nuisance. Passed

Senate: 28 yeas,
21 nays
House: 57 yeas,
41 nays (House amended)
Senate: 26 yeas,
20 nays (Senate concurred)

The Washington state Declaration of Rights states that "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired."

Its pretty clear that HB 1143 and Hb 1240 violate this right by the bans and compulsory delays.

SB 5078 only requires that the innocent be held acountable for others' crimes, in violation of the principles of justice.

Let's work to reverse this sessions' injustices.

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