Tuesday, March 16, 2021

More General State Income Tax Was Already In The Works

Washington citizens have heard about SB 5096, an income tax on capital gains.  "Who cares?  5096 would imposed a tax only on sales of more than $250,000 in gains. That will affect on the rich."  Wrong.

The Democrats are organized on their stealth effort to income-tax all of us.   They have a general income tax coming in this session, that if passed will impact all those earning more than $200,000 per year.

HB 1496 will impose a 7 percent tax on Washington capital gains realized from the sale of long-term real estate assets -- say the house you live in right now.

HB 1496 will imposes a 9.9 percent tax on Washington capital gains realized from the sale of everything else.

For sugar coating, HB 1496 directs the proceeds of the tax to the Fair Start for Kids Account (and the State General Fund)

Citizens of Washington State:  Stop the Income Tax.

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