Friday, January 22, 2021

Seattle ongoing riots - Olympia to limit citizen self-defense.

Thursday in Seattle, leftist protesters burned an American flag outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office, and rioters shattered windows at the federal William Kenzo Nakamura courthouse, an AmazonGo store, and the Pike Place Starbucks.  Mr Trump may be gone, but the malevolent malcontents linger on.

Some chanted at the police, “We protect people, you protect property,” according to the Seattle Times.  You realize how fake that is when the brick sails through your window.

Law enforcement arrested three people for property damage, burglary and felony assault.  (WSJ

Meanwhile, in Olympia ---

Leftist legislators (read Democrats) in the Washington State Legislature responded to the ongoing criminal riots.  They want to restrict civilians' right to self-defense.  (The criminal rioters would probably feel safer to have unarmed victims.)

SB 5078 (link) would ban “high capacity” magazines are in fact standard equipment for commonly-owned firearms.  The legislature would like to add to your misery if your self-defense weapon magazine is over the legal limit.

Leftist legislators also proposed SB 5038 (link) to impair self-defense.  As drafted, the bill makes it a crime to openly carry, on the person or in a vehicle, a firearm or other “weapon” to a "demonstration".  The measure is so poorly drafted its not clear if taking a penknife (weapon?) to a home show (demonstration?) would be banned.


On Monday, January 25, a committee will consider Senate Bill 5078.  Please use this link to comment on SB5078.

On Tuesday, January 26, Senate Bill 5038 will be considered by the Senate Law and Justice Committee.  Use this link to comment on SB5038.


Washington State Constitution Article 1, Section 24   RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.   "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired...."

We have the right to defend ourselves.  Can the leftist elites read?

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