Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tim Eyman has a tax hernia

Tim Eyman recently released information he gathered. State officials like Attorney General Bob Ferguson do not like Tim Eyman working for taxpayers and against them.  Bob Ferguson has spread malicious narrative against Eyman.  When Ferguson does that it takes money -- our tax money.

Mr Eyman says Mr Ferguson's investigation and litigation directed at Mr Eyman's legal activities has cost taxpayers $1,733,180.33 to date. 

The press release added Mr Eyman has developed a hernia.  Not a surprise considering the stress he must be under for the state government hating on him.

Mr Eyman is currently struggling against the elite Democrats planned income tax, and against the Democrats planned carbon tax.

State taxes have already increase 83%.  Its time for the greedy state government to stop taking more of our money. 

And lay off Mr Eyman and let him heal up.


Governor Jay Inslee's carbon tax is designed to tax us so we pay more to get to where we are going.  No more freedom of movement unless we pay the tax.

This kinda reminds me of the medieval times when peasants were not allowed to travel somewhere else without their lord's permission.  Serfs were effectively tied to the ground where they were born.

Sometimes I wonder and imagine if that is what High Lord Jay Enslee has in mind -- tying us to the ground.  He and his Black Knight, Sir Bobble Ferguson, are pushing Washington state down that way.

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