Friday, October 30, 2020

More phoney COVID restrictions

Inslee and the Democrats are trying to lock us down, claiming they are saving lives from COVID  (Washington State Department of Health).  Why can't we adults control our own lives, mindful that we have a responsibility not to  recklessly endanger our neighbors? 

Of course, enlightened advice is welcome.  But where do the authoritarian Democrats get the idea they need to order us around? 

So we are supposed to think that imprisoning people in the name of their health is morally better than the disease of authoritarian rule.

Can we compare the death rates due to a pandemic and authoritarian rule.

Lets examine the death rate due to the Spanish flu of 1917 to the death rate due to authoritarianism.  Anti-freedom politics killed as many as the flu pandemic in the 20th Century.  50-56 million lives were lost in the war against authoritarianism in  the WW2.  About 50 million people died from the flu.


Conclusion:  Authoritarianism like the Democrats are doing is just as dangerous to human life as natural disasters like Covid 19.

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