Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Weekly Update

Superintendent Reykdal admits failing school policy, cries "racism" & continues to oppose charter schools

Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal admitted that HB 2261—a bill backed by the WEA ten years ago to “ensure every child learns”—failed. Eventually, HB 2261 led to the doubling in school spending. Reykdal now wants to replace the law with new legislation, and more spending. Despite pointing to “systemic racism” as the cause of failing schools, Reykdal’s plan fails to address the problem. Ironically, he continues to oppose charter schools – a system proven to benefit mostly minority and low-income children.

Das remains unapologetic after controversial accusations proved false

Democrat State Senator Mona Das has yet to apologize for falsely accusing her fellow caucus members of racism and sexism. As the Kent Reporter states, “An apology is unlikely any time soon.” Despite sparking a pointless investigation on the taxpayers’ dime, Democrats have not pushed Das for a public apology. Instead, they prefer to treat the incident as a “teaching moment.” The Facilities and Operations Committee will discuss consequences before the start of the 2020 legislative session.

ICE officials slam Washington state for sanctuary policies

Washington state’s sanctuary policies threaten public safety, according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. Seattle Field Operations Director Nathalie Asher recently stated that sanctuary laws have made our communities “less safe, returning dangerous criminals to the street while tying the hands of local law enforcement officers trying to keep offenders off the streets.” A recently passed Washington state law bars both local jails and state prisons from complying with ICE requests, making law enforcement more difficult.

Spokane initiative moves to pre-emptively block tax obsessed Democrats

Washington Democrats across the state have demonstrated an obsession with implementing a state income tax. Unable to pass a state income tax, Democrat lawmakers have “introduced bills attempting to give local governments the authority to impose local income taxes.” Seattle Democrats are already attempting to bypass the law and impose a local income tax. This November, voters in Spokane will have the opportunity to pre-empt Democrats and protect themselves against a similar attempt to impose a local income tax. Proposition 2 would prohibit city officials from imposing a local income tax.

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Effing the ineffable - Washington State elections sometimes have been rigged.

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
-- Joseph Stalin


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