Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Initiative 1082 - citizens' right to approve new taxes

Initiative 1082 is a proposal to let the citizens of the state to review and rescind new tax burdens the legislature adds.   Normally, the legislature should exercise restraint when adding to the burden the people bear, but the current legislature went ape enacting new taxes.  Initiative 1082 will allow the people to  restrain tax crazed legislatures.

Impolite endorses Initiative 1082 as a modest restraint on the state government.  The current increase in taxation -- $27 Billion -- is slightly nuts, especially given the state budget was already in balance without the tax hikes.  The Democratic Party controlled legislature increased taxes apparently to increase pressure on the citizens and no other reason.

This November, you'll see 12 "Tax Advisories" on the ballot.  The legislature got scared when they began to encounter citizen resistance to the tax burden increase.  So they allowed that they would take advice on the tax increases.  (This is required by law, but there was some doubt whether it would actually happen.  We know now.
Be sure to sign I-1082 when you get the chance.  Download a copy and circulate it to your friends.  We must stop this tax-madness.

I-1082 download https://permanentoffense.com/petition-download/

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